PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Mode of Administration: Wild Indigo is not common as a
drug, but is found in combination preparations; taken
internally as a tea and tincture; and used externally as an
How Supplied:
Injection solutions

Liquid — I:I and 1:2, with and without alcohol.
Preparation: To prepare an ointment, use 1 part liquid
extract to 8 parts ointment base. A tincture may be prepared
using the liquid extract in 60% alcohol 1:1.
Daily Dosage: Dosage for a single dose is 0.5 g to 1 g of the
dried drug as decoction, to be taken 3 times daily.
Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10
globules 1 to 3 times daily or 1 ml injection solution twice
weekly sc (HAB34).
Beuscher H, Kopanski L. Modulation of the immune response
by polymeric substances from Baptisia tinctoria and Echinacea
angustifolia. In: Pharm Weekblad Sci Ed. 9:229. 1987.
Beuscher N. Beuscher HU, Bodinet C, Enhanced Release of
Interleukin-1 from Mouse Macrophages by Glykoproteins and
Polysaccharides from Baptisia tinctoria and Echinacea Species.
In: PxM, Abstracts of the 37th Annual Congress on Medicinal
Plant Research Braunschwe.
Beuscher N, Bodinet C, Willigmann I, Harnischfeger G.
Biologiocal activity of Baptisia tinctoria extracts. In: Inst, fur
Angew. Botanik der Univ. Hamburg, Angewandte Botanik,
Berichte 6, 46-61. 1997.
Beuscher N, Kopanski L, Erwein C, Modulation der
Immunantwort durch polymere Substanzen aus Baptisia tinctoria
und Echinacea purpurea. In: Adv in the Biosc 68:329. 1987.
Beuscher N, Kopanski L, Stimulation der Immunantwort durch
Inhaltsstoffe aus Baptisia tinctoria. In: PM 1985:381-384. 1985.
Beuscher N, Scheit KH, Bodinet C, Egert D, Modulation der
korpereigenen Immunabwehr durch polymere Substanzen aus
Baptisia tinctoria und Echinacea purpurea. In:
Immunotherapeutic prospects of infectious diseases, Hrsg.
Masihi KN, Lange W. Springer, Heidel.
Beuscher N, Scheit KH, Bodinet C. Kopanski L,
Immunologisch aktive Glykoproteine aus Baptisia tinctoria. In:
PM 55:358-363. 1989.

Bodinet C, Beuscher N, Kopanski L. Purification of
Immunologically Active Glycoproteins from Baptisia tinctoria
Roots by Affinity Chromatography and Isoelectric Focussing.

In: PM, Abstracts of the 37th Annual Congress on Medicinal
Plant Research Braunschwe.
Harnischfeger, Buch, Harnischfeger G, Stolze H, Bewahrte
Pflanzendrogen in Wissenschaft und Medizin, Notabene-Verlag,
Bad Homburg. 1983.
Vomel T, Arzneim-Forsch 35:1437-1439. 1985.
Vomel T, Der Einflup^4 eines pflanzlichen Immunstimulans auf
die Phagozytose von Erythrozyten durch das retikulohistiozytare
System der isolierte perfundierten Rattenleber. In: Arzneim
Forsch 35(11): 1437-1439. 1985.
Wagner H, Proksch A, Riess-Mauer I, Vollmar A, Odenthal S,
Stuppner H, Jurcic K. LeTurdu M. Fang JN, Arzneim-Forsch
35: 1069-10750. 1985.
Further information in:
Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers
Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6
(Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992-
Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel. Bde 1-3,
Nachdruck. Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979.
Roth L. Daunderer M. Kormann K, Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte.

  1. Aufl., Ecorned Fachverlag Landsberg Lech 1993
    Steinegger E, Hansel R. Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer
    Verlag Heidelberg 1992.
    Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
    Stuttgart 1997.
    Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und
    pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New
    York 1995.

Wild Mint
Mentha aquatica

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried leaf.

Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in 2 to 3 dense false
axillary whorls with inconspicuous bracts. The upper ones
are fused into a terminal, globular or ovate capitulum. The
calyx is tubular, with 13 ribs and glabrous inside. The tips
are awl-shaped to triangular. The pedicles are pubescent. The
corolla is violet with a ring of hair in the tube. The fruit is
hard with an ovoid, light brown nutlet.

Leaves, Stem and Root: Wild Mint is a perennial, 20 to 80
cm high plant with a branched underground rhizome and an
erect stem with alternate sessile curly leaves. The stem is
branched in the upper half and terminates in spikes of blue
flowers. The leaves are ovate and serrated.
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