PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Overdosage leads to salivation, mydriasis, evacuation, hypo-
tension and disorders of the cardiac impulse-conducting
system with negative-inotropic effect. Death occurs through
cardiac failure.

Treatment of overdosage includes gastrointestinal emptying
(inducement of vomiting, gastric lavage with burgundy-
colored potassium permanganate solution, sodium sulfate)
and administration of activated charcoal. For cardiac rhythm
disorders, treat with lidocaine; possibly using physostigmine
for its anticholinergic effect and electrolyte substitution. For
cases of acidosis, treat with sodium bicarbonate infusions. In
case of shock, plasma volume expanders should be infused.
How Supplied:
Capsule — 500 mg

Liquid — lOOOmg/ml

Tablet — 5.4 mg, 800 mg

Daily Dosage:
Erectile Dysfunction — Yohimbine hydrochloride was
effective for nonorganic erectile dysfunction administered as
30 mg daily (10 mg three times daily). Given up to 30 mg
daily and 36 mg daily, yohimbine, showed no effect for
mixed-type impotence and erectile problems (Kunelius,
1997; Rowland, 1997). For erectile impotence, yohimbine
5.4 mg (1 tablet) three times daily is recommended, and if
side effects of nausea, dizziness or nervousness are reported,
reduce to one-half tablet three times daily. Gradually
increase to 1 tablet three times daily and therapy should not
exceed 10 weeks (Prod Info Yocon®, 1985).

Xerostomia Treatment — Yohimbine 6 mg three times daily
has been effective for increasing salivary flow in patients
treated with psychotropic drugs suffering from xerostomia
(Bagheri, 1997).
Adler LE; Hoffer L; Nagamoto HT et al. Yohimbine impairs
P50 auditory sensory gating in normal subjects.
Neuropsychopharmacology 1994 Jul;10(4):249-57.
Bagheri H; Schmitt L; Berlan M; Montastruc JL. A
comparative study of the effects of yohimbine and
anetholtrithione on salivary secretion in depressed patients
treated with psychotropic drugs. Eur J Clin Pharmacol
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modulation of colonic tone during hyperventilation. Am J
Physiol 1997 Nov;273(5 Pt 1):G1135-40.
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Clark JT et al.. Science 225:847.

Gear RW; Gordon NC; Heller PH; Levine JD. Enhancement of
morphine analgesia by the alpha 2-adrenergic antagonist
yohimbine. Neuroscience 1995 May;66(l):5-8.
Gurguis GN; Vitton BJ; Uhde TW. Behavioral, sympathetic and
adrenocortical responses to yohimbine in panic disorder patients
and normal controls. Psychiatry Res 1997 Jun 16;71(l):27-39.
Hollander E; McCarley A. Yohimbine treatment of sexual side
effects induced by serotonin reuptake blockers. J Clin
Psychiatry 1992 Jun;53(6):207-9.
Jordan J; Shannon JR; Biaggioni I et al. Contrasting actions of
pressor agents in severe autonomic failure. Am J Med 1998
Aug; 105(2): 116-24.
Kunelius P; Hakkinen J; Lukkarinen O. Is high-dose yohimbine
hydrochloride effective in the treatment of mixed-type
impotence? A prospective, randomized, controlled double-blind
crossover study. Urology 1997 Mar;49(3):441-4.
Liu N; Bonnet F; Delaunay L et al. Partial reversal of the
effects of extradural clonidine by oral yohimbine in
postoperative patients. Br J Anaesth 1993 May;70(5):515-8.
McDougle CJ; Krystal JH; Price LH et al. Noradrenergic
response to acute ethanol administration in healthy subjects:
comparison with intravenous yohimbine. Psychopharmacology
(Bed) 1995 Mar; 118(2): 127-35.
Mosqueda-Garcia R; Fernandez-Violante R; Tank J et al.
Yohimbine in neurally mediated syncope. Pathophysiological
implications. J Clin Invest 1998 Nov 15; 102(10): 1824-30.
Murburg MM; Villacres EC; Ko GN; Veith RC. Effects of
yohimbine on human sympathetic nervous system function. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab 1991 Oct;73(4):861-5.
Musso NR; Vergassola C; Pende A; Lotti G. Yohimbine effects
on blood pressure and plasma catecholamines in human
hypertension. Am J Hypertens 1995 Jun;8(6):565-71.
Piletz JE; Segraves KB; Feng YZ et al. Plasma MHPG
response to yohimbine treatment in women with hypoactive
sexual desire. J Sex Marital Ther 1998 Jan-Mar;24( 1 ):43-54.
Product Information Yocon® (yohimbine hydrochloride tablets).
Glenwood, Tenafly, NJ, USA, 1985.
Richard IH; Szegethy E; Lichter D et al. Parkinson's disease: a
preliminary study of yohimbine challenge in patients with
anxiety. Clin Neuropharmacol 1999 May-Jun;22(3): 172-5.
Rosen MI; Kosten TR; Kreek MJ. The effects of naltrexone
maintenance on the response to yohimbine in healthy
volunteers. Biol Psychiatry 1999 Jun 15;45( 12): 1636-45.
Rowland DL; Kalian K; Slob AK. Yohimbine, erectile capacity,
and sexual response in men. Arch Sex Behav 1997
Southwick SM; Morgan CA 3rd; Charney DS; High JR.
Yohimbine use in a natural setting: effects on posttraumatic
stress disorder. Biol Psychiatry 1999 Aug l;46(3):442-4.
Southwick SM; Krystal JH; Bremner JD et al. Noradrenergic
and serotonergic function in posttraumatic stress disorder. Arch
Gen Psychiatry 1997 Aug;54(8):749-58.
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