PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1


AB-DDR Minister fur Gesundheitswesen der DDR (1987).
Arzneibuch der DDR. 2nd Ed. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin.

abortif acient A drug or chemical that induces abortion.

achene A small 1-seeded fruit which has a pericarp attached
to the seed at only one point.

acuminate Pointed or to taper to a slender point

adaptogen A preparation that acts to strengthen the body and
increase resistance to disease.

alterative Any drug used to favorably alter the course of an
ailment and to restore health. To improve the excretion of
wastes from the circulatory system.

amarum Bitters.

androgynous In botany, flowers with stamen and pistil in the
same bunch.

annual A plant that completes its growth cycle in one year.

anthelmintic An agent or drug that is destructive to worms.

anther The part of the stamen that contains pollen.

antiphlogistic An agent that prevents or counteracts
inflammation and fever.

Arg 66 6 Farmacopea Argentina 1966.

autumnalis In botany, referring to producing, gathering or
harvesting in the autumn.

Belg IV Pharmacopee Beige IV (1930) + Suppl. to 1953, F. &
N. Dantinne, Stree.

Belg V Pharmacopee Beige V (1962-1968), Vols. 1-3 + Suppl.

Belg VI Pharmacopee Beige VI (1982), J. Duculot-Gembloux.

BfArM German Federal Health Agency.

BHP 83 British Herbal Medicine Association (1983), British
Herbal Pharmacopoeia. Megaron Press. Bournemouth.

BHP 90 British Herbal Medicine Association (1990), British
Herbal Pharmacopoeia.

bitter An alcoholic liquid prepared by maceration or distillation
of a bitter herb or herb part that is often used to improve
appetite or digestion.

blood purification Removal of undesirable agents from the

BP 68 British Pharmacopoeia XI (1968) + Suppl. 1971, The
Pharmaceutical Press, London.

antisialagogue An agent that prevents or counteracts the
formation or flow of saliva.

BP 88 British Pharmacopoeia XLI (1988), Her Majesty's
Stationary Office, London.
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