PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1
850 / BPC 79
BPC 79 The Pharmaceutical Codex (1979), The
Pharmaceutical Press. London.

BPC XX British Pharmaceutical Codex X (1973) [IX (1986),
VIII (1963), Vn (1959) VI (1954), V (1949), IV (1934)].

bracteole A small leaf arising from the floral axis.

Brasil 1 Farmacopeia dos Estados Unidos do Brasil (1926).

Brasil 2 Farmacopeia dos Estados Unidos do Brasil (1959).

Brasil 3 Farmacopeia dos Estados Unidos do Brasil (1976).

brightening agent A substance added to the active

C1 10 parts mother tincture and 90 parts ethanol.

C2 (C3, C4, ....) C2 is l part CI and 99 parts ethanol (the
dilutions continue in a 1:99 fashion, each starting with the
previous dilution as the 1 part fraction and adding 99 parts).

calculosis The condition or formation of calculi.

calyx The outer set of floral leaves consisting of fused or
separate sepals.

campanulate Shaped like a bell.

capitulum A rounded or flattened cluster of sessile flowers.

capsule A closed container that contains seeds or spores.

carminative An aid to relieve gas from the alimentary canal.
An agent that acts to relieve colic.

carpel A small pistil or seed vessel comprising the innermost
whorl of a flower.

cataplasm A poultice or soft external application.

catarrh An inflammation of the air passages usually involving
the nose, throat, or lungs.

catkin An ament or cattail-like spicate inflorescence bearing
scaly bracts.

cauline Growing on the upper portion of a stem.

CF 49 Codex Francais = Pharmacopoea Gallica =
Pharmacopee Francaise VII (1949).

ChinPIX The Pharmacopoeia Commission of PRC (1988),
Pharmacopeia of the People's Medical Publishing House,

choiagogue An agent that stimulates the flow of bile from
the gallbladder to the duodenum.

choleretic An agent that stimulates the production of bile by
the liver.

climacteric The syndrome of physical and psychic changes
that occur during the transition to menopause.

comminuted To break or crush into small pieces.

Commission E Indications relating to the Commission E
monographed as published by the German Federal Health
Agency (BfArM).

cordate A heart-shaped leaf.

coriaceous Tough, strong, and leather-like.

corolla The inner set of floral leaves that consist of separate or
fused leaves.

cortex In botany, the bark of a tree or the rind of a fruit.

cotyledon A seed leaf, or the first set of leaves from the
embryo in seed plants.

crenate In reference to leaf structure, having a margin cut into
rounded scallops.

CsL 2 Pharmacopoea Bohemoslovenica IT (1954) + Suppl.

CsL 3 Pharmacopoea Bohemoslovenica HI (1970) +
Suppl. (1976).

cyme An inflorescence where the axes always end in a single

D1 (2, 3, 4 ....) Mother tincture.

D2 1 part mother tincture and 9 parts ethanol.

D3 (D4, D5, ...) D3 is 1 part D2 and 9 parts ethanol (the
dilutions continue in a 1:9 fashion, each starting with the
previous dilution as the 1 part fraction and adding 9 parts).

DAB Deutsches Arzneibuch (German Pharmacopoeia).

DAB 10 Deutsches Arzneibuch 10. Ed. (1991),
Deutscher Apotheker, Verlag, Govi-Verlag GmbH,
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