PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1
DAB 1998 Deutsches Arzneibuch 1998. Deutscher Apotheker
Verlag, Govi-Verlag GmbH. Frankfurt/Main.

DAB 6 Deutsches Arzneibuch 6. Ed. (1926) + Suppl., R. V.
Deckers Verlag, G. Schenck, Berlin.

DAB 7 Deutsches Arzneibuch 7. Ed. (1968) + Suppl.,
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag. Stuttgart, Govi-Verlag GmbH,

DAB 9 Deutsches Arzneibuch 9. Ed. (1986), Wissenschaftliche
Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart. Govi-Verlag GmbH,

DAC 79 Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Berufsvertretungen
Deutscher Apotheker (Eds.) (1979), Deutscher Arzneimittel-
Codex (und Ergiinzungslieferungen), Govi-Verlag,
Pharmazeutischer Verlag. Frankfurt/Main, Deutscher
ApothekerVerlag, Stuttgart.

DAC 86 Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Apothekerverbande
(1986), Deutscher Arzneimittel-Codex 1986 mit Erganzungen.
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag. Stuttgart, Govi-Verlag,

Dan IX Pharmacopoea Danica IX (1948) + Suppl.

deciduous A tree that sheds its leaves at the end of
the growing season.

decoction A liquid substance prepared by boiling plant parts
in water or some other liquid for a period of time.

decumbent A plant, stem, or shoot mat lays on the ground
but terminates with an ascending apex.

dentate Tooth-like projections on the margin of a leaf.

dessertspoonful A unit of measure equal to about Th.

diaphoretic An agent that causes sweating or excessive

dioecious In botany, when a plant has either a stamen or
a pistil on each flower.

downy Covered with soft hairs.

dromotropic An effect on nerve fiber conduction.

dropsy An abnormal accumulation of fluid in body tissues
or cavities usually related to an underlying disease.

drupe A one-seeded fruit; as in olive or peach.

EB 6 Erganzungsbuch zum Deutschen Arzneibuch, 6. Ausg.
(1941), Dr. Hans Hosel, Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Berlin.

Egypt 84 Egyptian Pharmacopoeia 1984.

embrocation An external medication applied as a liniment
or other liquid form.

emmenagogue A substance that renews or stimulates
the menstrual flow.

endosperm The albumin of the seed.

epicalyx An external accessory calyx located outside the
true calyx of the flower.

eructation The act of belching.

ESCOP European Scientific Cooperation on Phytotherapy,
Elburg, Holland.

exocarp The outer wall of a fruit covering.

extraction The portion of a plant that is removed by solvents
and used in drug preparations in solid or liquid form.

febrifuge An agent that counteracts fever: an antipyretic.

floret A little flower; one of the small individual flowers that
form a cluster or head.

flos Flower.

fluidextract A hydroalcoholic preparation of a botanical drug
where l ml of the preparation contains l gm of the standard

folium The leaf of a plant.

fructus Fruit.

furuncle A boil or sore caused by bacterial infection of the
subcutaneous tissue.

galenic preparation Medications prepared from plants as
opposed to refined chemicals.

glabrous Having a smooth surface; without hair or down.

globular Spherical.
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