PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

ascending and glandular. The basal leaves are 6 to 15 cm by
0.7 to 1.5 cm, linear-lanceolate; the lower ones are cauline,
oblong-linear and cordate at base. The bracts are slightly
longer than calyx and oblong-lanceolate. The neck of the
root is covered with the remains of leaves and the stems. The
root is spindle-shaped, curved, up to 25 cm long and 1.5 cm
thick, with purplish root bark.

Habitat: The plant is indigenous to southeastern Europe and
some parts of Turkey and Hungary. It is cultivated in other
parts of Europe, Britain and northern Africa.

Production: Alkanna rhizomes are the dried roots and
rhizomes of Alkanna tinctoria Tausch.

Other Names: Anchusa, Dyer's Bugloss, Spanish Bugloss,
Alkanet Root, Alkanna
Naphthazarine derivatives: including the ester of the (-)-
alkannin (stained red)
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids


Antimicrobial action: In the agar diffusion test, Alkanet root
extracts and Alkannin esters impaired the growth of Staphy-
lococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, however
Alkannin worked only against Candida albicans.
Healing action for wounds: In a double-blind study, 72
patients suffering from ulcers of the leg (Ulcus cruris) caused
by varicose veins, were treated with Histoplastin Red® over
a period of three years. After 5 to 6 weeks of daily
administration, 80% of the patients' ulcers had healed or
were considerably reduced in size.

The results are difficult to assess, as details concerning the
patients, the treatment pattern and control groups are

Unproven Uses: Used by the ancient Greeks to heal wounds;
also for skin diseases and diarrhea.
Hepatotoxicity and carcinogenity are expected, due to the
pyrrolizidine alkaloids with 1,2-unsaturated necic parent
substances in its makeup. Alkanna should not be taken
internally for this reason and is recommended for external
use only.

Mode of Administration: Seldom used as a drug. Internal
administration is not recommended, due to the drugs toxic

characteristics and its uncertain efficacy." Alkannin and
extracts of the root are used externally in pharmacy.

Preparations: Extractum alcannae: almost black, green
glistening mass (no extraction information).

Histoplastin Red® Ointment: The ointment approved in
Greece, contains 76.5 gm loosely defined ethereal oily
Alkanet root extract with lipophil ointment base (beeswax,
mastic rubber and olive oil q.s. ad 100 gm).

Daily Dosage: Maximum 0.1 meg pyrrolizidine alkaloids
with 1.2 unsaturated necin framework and their N-oxides.

Majlathova L, (1971) Nahrung 15:505.
Papageorgiou VP, (1980) Planta Med 38(3): 193-203.
Papageorgiou VP, PM 31:390-394. 1977.
Papageorgiou VP, Digenis GA, PM 39:81-84. 1980.
Roder E, Pyrrolizidinhaltige Arzneipflanzen. In: DAZ
132(45):2427-2435. 1992.
Roder E, et al., PH 23:2125-2126. 1984.
Wiedenfield H et al.. (1985) Arch Pharm 318(4):294.
Further information in:
Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers
Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6
(Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992-
Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.

Alkanna tinctoria

See Alkanet

Allium cepa

See Onion

Allium sativum

See Garlic

Allium schoenoprasum

See Chives

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