PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Storage: Store tightly sealed and protected from light in a
cool* dry place.
Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers
Haridbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6
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Pentagalloylglucose, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor from a
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Prod, 39:210-1, 1989 Jan-Feb.
Jain MK, Yu BZ. Rogers JM, Smith AE, Boger ET, Ostrander
RL, Rheingold AL, Specific competitive inhibitor of secreted
phospholipase A2 from berries of Schinus terebinthifolius.
Phytochemistry, 39:537-47, 1995 Jun.
Ramos Ruiz A, De la Torre RA, Alonso N, Villaescusa A,
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induction of somatic segregation activity in Aspergillus
nidulans. J Ethnopharmacol, 39:123-7, 1996 Jul 5.

Brewer's Yeast

Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the mature, debit-
tered, bottom-fermented Brewer's Yeast.
Flower and Fruit: The cells may be single, in pairs, in chains
or aggregate. On a suitable solid fertile base the individual
cell colonies have smooth margins, are slightly convex to flat
and are whitish to cream-yellow. Older individual colonies
are slightly raised, smooth or slightly lobed (sometimes in
sections), or folded, and are yellowish to light brown. The
vegetative reproduction is via multilateral budding. Ascos-
pores are produced from the vegetative cells. There are
normally 1 to 4, occasionally more, round, smooth-walled
ascospores per ascus.

Characteristics: Brewer's Yeast is found extensively in the
wild, and it lives as a saprophytic parasite or symbiotically.

Habitat: Brewer's Yeast is grown worldwide.
Production: Medicinal yeast consists of fresh or dried cells
of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and/or of Candida utilis.
Vitamins of the B group (per 100 gm): thiamin 8-15 mg,
riboflavin 4-8 mg, nicotinic acid amide 45-90 mg, pantothen-
ic acid 7-25 mg, pyridoxine 4-10 mg, biotin 20 jig, folic acid
1-5 mg, vitamin B-12 20 fig


Polysaccharides: mannans, glucans

Sterols: ergosterol, zymosterol
The yeast is antibacterial and stimulates phagocytosis.
Approved by Commission E:

  • Dyspeptic complaints

  • Eczema, furuncles, acne

  • Loss of appetite
    Unproven Uses: Brewer's Yeast is used for constipation and
    itching skin diseases.
    General: Health risks or side effects following the proper
    administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not
    recorded. The intake of large quantities can cause gas.
    Allergic intolerance reactions are possible (itching, urticaria,
    exanthema, Quinck's disease). Migraine headaches can be
    triggered in susceptible patients.

Drug Interactions: The simultaneous intake of monoamine
oxidase inhibitors can cause an increase in blood pressure.
Mode of Administration: Medicinal yeast and galenic prepa-
rations are available for internal use. Pharmaceutical forms
include tablets and compound preparations.
Daily Dosage: The average daily dosage is 6 gm.
Storage: Store in air-tight containers protected from light.
Aflmann C, Mikroorganismen:Bioth2rapeutika bei
Infektionskrankheiten. In: DAZ 136(46):4136-4137. 1996.
Anonym, Hefepraparate haben sich bewahrt. In: PTA 5(9):433.
Bockeler W, Thomas G, (1989): In-vitro-Studien zur
destabilisierenden Wirkung lyophilisierter Saccharomyces
cerevisiae Hansen CBS 5926-Zellen auf Enterobakterien. Lafk
sich diese Eigenschaft biochemisch erklaren? In, Miiller J,
Ottenjann R, Seifert J (Hrsg), Okosystem Darm, Springer
Verlag, S 142-153.
Czerucka D, Roux 1, Rampal P, (1994) Saccharomyces boulardii
inhibits sectretagogue-mediated adenosin-cyclic monophosphate
induction in intestinal cells. Gastroenterology 106:65-72.
Ewe K, (1983) Obstipation - Pathophysiologic Klinik, Therapie.
Int Welt 6:286-292.
Gedek B, Hagenhoff G, (1989) Orale Verabreichung von
lebensfahigen Zellen des Hefestammes Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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