PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Camphor Tree
Cinnamomum camphora

j^Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is camphor oil extracted
from the tree.

Flower and Fruit: The flowers are small, white and sessile
on 1 to 1.5 mm long pedicles. The petals are pubescent on
the inside. The flowers are caespitose, on long axillary
petioles. The 1.5 mm stamens form 3 circles and are
pubescent with broad, sessile-cordate glands. The fruit is a
purple-black, 1-seeded, 10 to 12 mm oval drupe.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is an evergreen tree
growing up to 50 m tall and 5 m in diameter. The trunk is
erect at the lower part and knottily branched above. The
leaves are alternate on long petioles, oval-lanceolate, acumi-
nate, grooved and glossy. They are light yellowish-green
above and paler beneath; they grow to 5 to 11 cm long by 5
cm across.

Habitat: Camphor trees are indigenous to Vietnam and an
Mpxzz extending from southern China to southern Japan.

Production: Purified camphor is obtained from the chipped
wood of the Cinnamomum camphora tree using steam
distillation followed by sublimation to yield the oil.

Other Names: Gum Camphor, Laurel Camphor, Cemphire

Camphora is a single substance: D(+) -camphor ((1R,4R)-
l,7,7-trimethyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-on), extracted from
the volatile oil of the trunk of the camphor tree, Cinnamo-
mum camphora. L(-)-camphor also occurs in nature. Synthet-
ic camphor is DL-camphor.

Used externally, camphor acts as a bronchial secretolytic and
hyperemia Internally, the effect is that of a respiratory
analeptic and bronchospasmolytic. It should be noted that the
effect only sets in at dosages considered toxic. An antibacte-
rial effect has been noted in vitro, with cineol the main active

Approved by Commission E:

  • Arrhythmia

  • Cough/bronchitis

  • Hypotension

  • Nervous heart complaints

  • Rheumatism

Unproven Uses: External uses in folk medicine include
muscular rheumatism and cardiac symptoms. Among inter-
nal uses are hypotonic circulatory regulation disorders and
digestive complaints. Inflammation of respiratory-tract mu-
cous membranes is treated with both internal and external

Indian Medicine: Uses include muscle pain, cardiac insuffi-
ciency and asthma.

Camphor should not be used during pregnancy.

General: Local administration can lead to skin irritation, as
well as to resorbent and/or airborne poisonings. Contact
eczema occasionally appears following the application of
oily salves containing camphor. The drug is sometimes used
as a hashish substitute because 6 to 10 g leads to

Pediatric Use: Camphor salves should not be administered
to infants.

Symptoms of poisonings that have been seen, particularly in
children, include intoxicated states, delirium, spasms and
respiratory control disturbances. Treatment proceeds symp-
tomatically. Less than 1 g can be a lethal dosage for young
children. For adults, the lethal dosage is considered to be
approximately 20 g. However, toxicity in adults has been
noted after use of as little as 2 g.

Mode of Administration: As a liquid (camphor spirit) for
topical application or inhalation, and also semi-solid oint-
ments and liniments. Internally, in liquid or solid

How Supplied: Commercial pharmaceutical preparations
include creams, ointments, balms and gels.

Daily Dosage: Internal average daily dosage: 2 to 4 g drug;
0.05 to 0.2 g essential oil. For external use, camphor spirit
(DAB 10) 9.5 to 10.5% camphor to be rubbed in several
times a day: Depending on prescribed application, concentra-
tions generally are not higher than 25% for adults and no
higher than 5% for small children.

Storage: Camphor should be stored in containers filled so
there is no empty air space left and also should be protected
from light.

Bean NE, Camphora -curriculum vitae of a perverse terpene. In:
Chem in Brain 8(9):386. 1972.
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