PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1


Potentilla erecta

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the rhizome freed
from the roots, the fresh underground parts collected in the
spring, the dried rhizome and the rhizome gathered in the

Flower and Fruit: The small, yellow, long-pedicled flowers
grow opposite the leaves or at branching points on the stem.
The 4 sepals have a 4-bract epicalyx. There are 4 free petals.
which are obcordate and somewhat darker at the base. There
are usually 16 stamens and numerous ovaries with thread-
like styles. The receptacle is domed. The fruit is nut-like.
hard, 1 seeded, ovate, grooved and occasionally smooth.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is about 30 cm high and a
rhizomatus herbacious perennial. The rhizome is 1 to 3 cm
thick, irregular, gnarled to cylindrical, woody, dark-brown
outside and blood red inside. The stem is erect or decumbent.
never rooting, branching. The trifoliate rosette-like basal
leaves wilt early and are gone before flowering. The cauline
leaves are sessile, trifoliate and appear to be in fives because
of 2 stipules

Characteristics: The plant is odorless and has an astringent

Habitat: The plant is found as far north as Northern
Scandinavia and as far south as Northwest Africa, Italy.
Central Spain and the Balkans.

Production: Cinquefoil rhizome consists of the dried rhi-
zome, freed from the roots, of Potentilla erecta (syn:
Potentilla tormentilla N.) and its preparations. After harvest-
ing the rhizome is air-dried.

Not to be Confused With: May be confused with Radix
bistortae and the rhizomes of Geum species.

Other Names: Cinquefoil, Septfoil, Thormantle, Biscuits,
Bloodroot, Earthbank, Ewe Daisy, Flesh and Blood, Shep-
herd's Knapperty, Shepherd's Knot, English Sarsaparilla

Catechins: including (-)-gallocatechin gallate, (-)-epigalloca-
techin gallate, dimerics and trimerics of the catechin

Catechin tannins (15 to 20%), transformed under storage
conditions into non-water soluble tanner's reds

Flavonoids: including kaempferol j

Gallo tannins (3.5%), including agrimonine, pedunculagin,
levigatines B and F proanthocyanidins

Tannins (17 to 22%)

Triterpenes: including tormentoside, ursolic acid, e-epi-po-
molic acid

The drug is astringent, antimicrobial and molluscidal be-
cause of the tannin complex (gallic tannins and ellagic
tannins). In animal experiments an antihypertensive, anti-
allergic, immune-stimulating, antiviral and interferon-induc-
ing effect has been demonstrated.

Approved by Commission E:

  • Diarrhea

  • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx

Tormentil is used internally to treat non-specific acute
diarrhea. The drug is used externally for gingivitis, stomatitis
and pressure caused by prosthetic devices.

Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, the drug is used internally
for acute and subacute gastroenteritis and diarrhea and
externally for poorly healing wounds, frostbite, burns and

No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages. There are
reports in the literature of gastric complaints or vomiting
following intake of the drug or its extracts.

Mode of Administration: Tormentil is available in solid,
liquid and compounded preparations for internal and external

Preparation: To prepare a tea, 2 to 3 gm finely cut or
coarsely powdered drug is added to cold water, and rapidly
brought to a boil, steep for some time and then strain. A cold
water decoction may be used to avoid loss of tannin strength
that occurs during the boiling process (1 teaspoon is
equivalent to approximately 4 gm drug).

To prepare a tincture, 1 part cut rhizome is percolated with 5
parts 70% ethanol (V/V) (DAB 10)

Daily Dosage: 4 to 6 gm drug

Tincture (1:10): 10 to 20 drops to one glass of water as a
rinse several times a day

Tea: 1 cup to be taken 3 to 4 times a day (acts as an anti-
diarrheal agent.)
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