PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Volatile oil

Steroids: sterols, including beta-sitosterol



The drug is said to be expectorate, emetic and laxative in
effect. In higher dosages, it is said to be menstruation-
inducing. The emetic effect is credited to the alkaloid
fraction, which has not been more precisely defined.
Experimental data have not been made available. The bark of
the tree induces vomiting and can frequently bring on a
feeling of weakness and nausea. But it can also provide a
stimulatory expectorant and has been used successfully in
the treatment of bronchitis and respiratory illnesses.
Unproven Uses: Uses in folk medicine have included
treatment of chronic bronchitis and coughs and also as an

No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The drug is
said to induce vomiting and diarrhea in high dosages.
Because it is said to induce menstruation, it should not be
administered to anyone who is pregnant.

Mode of Administration: Whole, cut and powdered drug
preparations for internal use.

Preparation: Tinctures are prepared using drug 1:10 60%
ethanol (V/V) (BHP83). Liquid extracts contain drug 1:
60% ethanol (V/V) (BHP83).

Daily Dosage:
Decoction — from 0.5 to 1 g drug, 3 times daily

Liquid extract — 0.5 to 1 ml, 3 times daily

Tincture — 5 to 10 ml, 3 times daily

Syrup — 2 to 4 ml, 3 times daily

Dose for children — 1/4 to 1/3 of the above doses.

Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J, Rimpler G,
Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen
Praxis. Folgebande 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin,
Heidelberg 1998.


Theobroma cacao
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the seed skins that
remain after making cocoa and cocoa butter: the seeds which
have been partly freed from their skins and lightly roasted:
and the raw, dried, unroasted seeds.

Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are on the main trunk
and thicker branches on a so-called "flower cup."" The
cyme-like branchlets are short, noded and persistent. There
are 5 sepals, which are narrow. The petals are cap-shaped
and stemmed with flag-like laminas. The stamen tube, wiih 5
fertile stamens and 5 awl-shaped staminoids. is short. Trie
fruit is a 15 to 25 cm long and 10 cm thick, large berry. It is
oblong or obovate, thick-skinned, yellow or reddish, grooved
and sometimes bumpy and cucumber-like. The 20 to 50
seeds are arranged in rows and embedded in a pink, fruity.
sweetish-sour pulp. They are pressed flat, almond-shaped.
reddish-brown and without endosperm.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 4 to 6 m. occasionally
up to 13 m, tall tree with an irregular knotty trunk and a
broad crown. The young branches are rounded. The leaves
are coriaceous or paper-like, alternate and in 2 rows on the
branches. The petiole is downy, cushioned, and 1.5 to 2 cm
long. The lamina is oval or elliptical, slightly asymmetrical.
rounded at the base with a conspicuous tip. The upper
surface is green and pale when dry. The lower surface is
paler green, glabrous or has a few, tiny, simple, branched
and scattered hairs.

Habitat: The plant is cultivated globally in tropical regions.
Production: Cocoa seeds consist of the seeds of Theobroma
cacao, which have been removed from their shells, ferment-
ed and lightly roasted. Cocoa consists of the testae of
Theobroma cacao. Cocoa butter is the hard fat obtained from
the ripe cocoa seeds of Theobroma cacao. After removal of
the germ-roots and the shell from the seeds, the seeds are
removed from the shell and crushed. The cocoa fat is
squeezed out at a temperature of 70° C to 80° C and allowed
to cool.

Other Names: Cacao, Chocolate Tree
Purine alkaloids (3 to 4%): main alkaloid theobromine (2.8
to 3.5%), with a lesser amount of caffeine (0.1 to 0.4^)
Fat (50%): chief fatty acids oleic acid (33 to 39 C7c). stearic
acid (30 to 37%), palmitic acid (24 to 31^)

Proteic substances (10 to 16%)
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