PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Flower and Fruit: The many-floreted capitula are in the
upper bract axils. The papilonaceous flowers are almost
sessile and have an upright corolla up to 20 mm long. The
calyx is membranous and up to 17 mm long. It is tubular-
bottle-shaped and shaggy to felt-haired. The color is yellow
'4B to white at the bottom, turning violet toward the top. The
petals are whitish-yellow to yellow or occasionally crimson.
They have a free standard, slightly shorter wings, and an
acute, often red, carina. Ten stamens are fused into a tube.
The ovaries are stemmed with a thickened style and rounded
stigma. The pod-fruit is enclosed in the dried calyx. It is
ovate, reticulate, dark brown, single-seeded, and does not
spring open. The seed is ovate, smooth, shiny and checkered

Leaves, Stem and Root: Anthyllis vulneraria is a 15 to 30 cm
high half-rosette shrub with a sturdy tap-root and a short,
entire or often branched rhizome. The stem is upright,
unbranched or branched, and tomentose. The leaves are
variously pinnate, depending on where they are on the stem.
All leaves are entire-margined, glabrous or slightly pubes-
cent above, and thickly tomentose beneath. The stipules are
small and generally connected to a clasping sheath.

^ Characteristics: Kidney Vetch has a weak aromatic odor and
dry taste.

Habitat: The plant is found all across Europe to the
Caucasus and the Middle East. It is found in the south to the
Sahara and Ethiopia.

Production: Kidney Vetch are the flowers of Anthyllis
vulneraria wimout their stems.Woundwort is collected in the
wild and then dried quickly in the shade.




4f Isoflavonoids


Antiviral activity was demonstrated with an ethanol extract
of the plant. The flavonols quercetin and rhamnetin have a
mutagenic effect. The herb's use in the treatment of ulcers
and wounds may be due to the tannins (probably of the
catechin type).

Unproven Uses: Kidney Vetch tea is used in the treatment of
ulcers and wounds both internally and externally. The drug is
also used in a tea for coughs that also contains ribwort, as an
ingredient of blood-purifying teas, and for exposure and
vomiting. It is used internally for diseases of the mouth and
No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic
Mode of Administration: Preparations are available for
internal uses, often as teas, and external uses including
poultices, washes and rinses.
Preparation: To prepare tea, use 1 dessertspoonful of the
flowers per 250 ml of water.
Czeczot H, Tudek B, Kusztelak J, Szymczyk T, Dobrowolska
B, Glinkowska G, Malinowski J, Strzelecka H, Isolation and
studies of the mutagenic activity in the Ames test of flavonoids
naturally occurring in medical herbs. Mutat Res. 240:209-16,
1990 Mar.
Sile A, Vanaga A, Nauka-Prakt Farm: 82-85. 1974.
Vetter J, Seregelyes-Csomos A, Magy Allatory Lapja 43(8):479-

    1. Further information in:
      Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers
      Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl, Bde 4-6
      (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992-

Common Stoneerop
Sedum acre
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh or dried
aerial parts collected during the flowering season.
Flower and Fruit: The flowers are leafy, twining cymes on
short pedicles. There are 5 ovate sepals and 5 golden yellow
petals that are 7 to 9 mm long, lanceolate and twice as long
as the calyx. The fruit is a follicle, which splits after
flowering to form a 5-rayed star, which is 3 to 5 mm long
and has numerous seeds.
Leaves, Stem and Root: The perennial plant grows 2 to 15
cm high. It has many heavily branched shoots, which often
creep underground and form grass. The leaves are thick,
fleshy, almost round, acute, appressed and knobby-domed.

Other Names: Ladies' Fingers, Lamb's Toes, Kidney Vetch,
Staunchwort, Woundwort
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