PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Therapeutic Category Index

Entries in this index are organized by prescribing category, enabling you to quickly identify

botanicals with similar properties. Within each category, herbs are listed alphabetically by their

accepted common name, with the scientific name shown in parentheses. Botanicals deemed

effective by the German Regulatory Authority's ''Commission E" are marked with a (•) symbol at

their left. If an entry lists two page numbers, the first refers to a photograph of the plant in the

Herb Identification Guide, the second to the herbal monograph. The index lists herbs by general

category only. To locate botanicals considered appropriate for a specific indication, please consult

the Indications Index.


  • Bittersweet Nightshade
    (Solanum dulcamara)... G-S, 88

  • Brewer's Yeast
    cerevisiae) lis
    Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus
    globulus) G-11, 283
    Heartsease (Viola tricolor). .. .382
    Tea Tree (Melaleuca
    alternifolia) 757
    Cat's Claw (Urticaria
    tomentosa) ieo

  • European Mistletoe (Viscum
    album) G-11, 291
    Green Tea (Camellia
    sinensis) G-13, 369
    Marijuana (Cannabis
    sativa) G-17, 500
    Cayenne (Capsicum
    annuum) G-8, 165
    Congorosa (Maytenus
    ilicifolia) 218

Henna (Lawsonia
inermis) G-14, 391

Aga (Amanita muscaria).. .G-3, 8
Alteris (Aletris farinosa) 11
Ash (Fraxinus excelsior). G-4, SO
Barberry (Berberis
vulgaris) G-4, 61
Belladonna (Atropa
belladonna) G-4, 69
Beth Root (Trillium
erectum) G-4, 74
Black Bryony (Tamus
communis) G-5, 90
Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga
racemosa) G-5, 92
Black Currant (Ribes
nigrum) G-5, 94
Black Haw (Viburnum
prunifolium) G-S, 96
Black Pepper (Piper
nigrum) G-6, 103
Blue Cohosh
thalictroides) 109
Borage (Borago
officinalis) G-6, 114
Bugleweed (Lycopus
virginicus) G-6, 126
Bulbous Buttercup
(Ranunculus bulbosus) 128

Buttercup (Ranunculus
acris) 133
Cajuput (Melaleuca
leucadendra) G-7, 136
California Poppy
californica) G-7, 140
Catechu (Acacia catechu) 163
Cayenne (Capsicum
annuum) G-8, 165
Chaste Tree (Vitex
agnus-castus) G-8, 176
Clematis (Clematis recta) .G-8, 194
Clove (Syzygium
aromaticum) G-8, 195
Comfrey (Symphytum
officinale) G-9, 212
Coriander (Coriandrum
sativum) *".. G-9, 221
Corn Poppy (Papaver
rhoeas) 223
Cowhage (Mucuna
pruriens) 230
Cowslip (Primula veris) 231
Cumin (Cuminum
cyminum) G-9, 237
Devil's Claw
procumbens) 247

  • Denotes recommendation by Commission E.

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