PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

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Stimpel M et al., (1984) Infect Immunol 46(3):845.
Stimpel M, Proksch A, Wagner H et al., (1984) Macrophage
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Infect Immunity 46:845-849.
Stimpel M, Proksch A, Wagner H, Lohmann-Matthes ML,
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Zenk MH, Gewinnung von immunologisch aktiven
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In: ZPT 10(2):35. 1989.

Further information in:

Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers
Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6
(Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992-

Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag
Heidelberg 1996.
Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer
Verlag Heidelberg 1992.
Teuscher E, Lindequist U, Biogene Gifte - Biologie, Chemie,
Pharmakologie, 2. Aufl., Fischer Verlag Stuttgart 1994.
Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
mbH Stuttgart 1997.
Wagner H. Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und
pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena, New
York 1995.
Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
Stuttgart 1997.

Echinaceae species

See Echinacea


Inula helenium
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried or fresh

Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are yellow composite
flowers in loose, terminal, panicled cymes. They are 7 to 8
cm in diameter. The involucre is imbricate and cup-shaped.
The inner bracts are dry at the tip and splayed, the outer ones
are like leaves and ovate. The female lateral florets are
narrowly linguiform. The androgynous disc florets are
tubular. The receptacle is flat, slightly pitted and glabrous.
The flowers are a bright yellow. The achaenes are cylindri-
cal, 4 to 5 mm long, brown, glabrous and have 4 tips. The
pappus is 8 to 10 mm long and consists of brownish, fine,
rough, brittle bristles.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is perennial and 80 to 180
cm high. The rhizome is short with compact branches. It is
tuberous and has sturdy, 1 cm thick and 50 cm long roots.
The stem is erect, branched above and villous. The leaves are
large, tomentose beneath and irregularly dentate. The cauline
leaves are cordate-acute. The basal leaves are oblong and

Characteristics: The rhizome has a strong odor, the taste is
pungent, bitter and tangy.

Habitat: Indigenous to Europe and temperate Asia, intro-
duced to the U.S. and China.
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