PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

rate product (PRP) under standardized loading on a bicycle
ergometer, and the score of a subjective questionnaire on
improvement of complaints. Secondary target parameters
included exercise tolerance and the change in heart rate and
arterial blood pressure. A statistically significant improve-
ment in both primary and secondary parameters were noted
in the WS 1442 group over that of the placebo group
(Leuchtgens, 1993).

Hawthorn is contraindicated in children under 12 years of
age. Use of Hawthorn during the first trimester of pregnancy
is contraindicated.

General: It is recommended that Hawthorn supplements be
prescribed and monitored by a physician. During treatment
with Hawthorn, the clinician should monitor heart rate and
blood pressure on a regular basis.

Higher doses can produce hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia,
and sedation. Less serious adverse effects include dizziness
and tremor.

Accidental corneal scratches caused by thorns of hawthorn
bushes have resulted in blindness in 88 out of 132 reported
cases in Ireland (Duke, 1985).

Drug Interactions Hawthorn may potentiate the effects of
cardiac glycosides. If Hawthorn therapy is initiated in
patients taking digoxin, digitoxin or g-strophanthin, the
dosage of standard cardiac glycosides should be adjusted

Hawthorn may cause a hypertensive effect when used in
combination with beta-blockers (Murray & Pizzorno, 1996).

Because Hawthorn has an action similar to Class III
antiarrhythmics, use with other antiarrhythmics should be

Hawthorn has been found to inhibit the inward flow of
potassium channels resulting in an increased action potential
in cardiac ventricular cells. Drugs that act in a similar
manner such as cisapride are likely to interact with Hawthorn
and should therefore not be taken in conjunction with

Pregnancy: Hawthorn is contraindicated during the first
trimester of pregnancy.

Nursing Mothers: There are no warnings in the literature
regarding use of Hawthorn in nursing mothers.

Pediatrics: Hawthorn is not recommended for children under
the age of 12 years.

The LD50 via intraperitoneal injection in the mouse model
has been reported at a single dose of 1,170 mg/kg and 750
mg/kg in the rat. In both species, signs of overdose included
sedation, dyspnea, tremor and piloerection (Schlegelilch &
Hey wood, 1994). The same authors reported that an oral
dose if 3,000 mg/kg in mice and rats was well tolerated with
no negative clinical signs or death reported in the animal

Mode of Administration: The dried and comminuted drug for
decoctions as well as liquid or dry extracts for oral intake.

How Supplied:
Capsules — 80 mg, 100 mg, 300 mg, 450 mg, 455 mg, 480
mg, 500 mg, 510 mg, 565 mg
Liquid — 250 mg/ml

Tablets — 80 mg
Daily Dosage: The average daily dose is 5 gm of drug or 160
to 900 mg extract administered in divided doses, 3 times
daily, (ethanol 45% V/V or methanol 70% V/V) standardized
on procyanidin or flavonoids; single dose: 1 gm of drug
several times daily. The duration of treatment is minimum 6
Homeopathic Dosage: 5 to 10 drops, 1 tablet or 5 to 10
globules 1 to 3 times a day or 1 ml injection solution sc twice
a week; ointment 1 to 2 times a day (HAB1)
Storage: Hawthorn should be protected from light and
moisture in well-sealed containers at temperatures below
25° C.
Ammon HPT, Handel M, (1981) Crataegus, Toxikologie und
Pharmakologie. Teil 1, Toxizitat. Planta Med 43:105-120.
Ammon HPT, Handel M, (1981) Planta Med 43:105, 209 et
Anonym, 5. KongreJJ fur Phytotherapie: Phytoforschung
intensiviert. In: DAZ 133(48):4593. 1993.
Anonym, Behandlung der leichten Herzinsuffiziens:
Weijklornextrakt und ACE-Hemmer im Vergleich. In: DAZ
134(39):3749. 1994.
Anonym, Phytopharmaka fur altere Menschen: Ginkgo, Kava,
Hypericum und Crataegus. In: DAZ 135(5):400-402. 1995.
Anonym, Weipdorn bei Herzinsuffiziens und Angina pectoris.
In: Symbiose 4(3): 16. 1992.
Bahorun T, Gressier B, Trotin F, Brunet C, Dine Th, Luyckx
M, Vasseur J, Cazin M, Cazin JC, Pinkas M, Oxygen species
scavenging activity of phenolic activities, fresh plant organs and
pharmaceutical preparations. In: Arzneim Forsch 46(11): 1086-

  1. 19%.

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