PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Flower and Fruit: The yellow composite flowers are in erect
racemes facing all directions and are simple or compound.
They are medium-sized. The involucral bracts are imbricate
and arranged in numerous rows. The ray florets are narrow,
lingual and female. The disc florets are funnel-shaped, 5-
tipped and androgynous. The fruit is a cylindrical achene
with numerous ribs. It is brown, sparsely pubescent and 3.5
to 4.5 mm long with a tuft of hair.
Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial that ranges
in size from a few centimeters to over 1 m. The rhizome is
cylindrical, noded, diagonally ascending and short. The stem
is erect, cane-like, angularly grooved above, usually red-
tinged beneath, and glabrous to loosely appressed pubescent
higher up. The basal leaves are long-petioled, elliptical,
acuminate and narrowing to the winged stem. The lower
ones are serrate and the upper ones entire-margined.

Habitat: The plant is indigenous to Europe, Asia and North
Production: Golden Rod is the aerial part of Solidago
virgaurea. It occurs in the wild in Hungary, former Yugosla-
via, Bulgaria and Poland
Not to be Confused With: Despite qualitative and quantita-
tive differences in their effects, drugs containing Solidago
gigantea or Solidago canadensis are exchanged with Solida-
go virgaurea on the market; confusions with Senecio species
are also conceivable.
Other Names: Aaron's Rod, Woundwort, Goldenrod
Triterpene saponins (0.2 to 0.3%):
In the European form—3,28-bisdemosidic ester saponins,
including acyl-virgaurea saponins 1, 2 and 3; the acid
components are acetic acid and beta-hydroxy butyric acid;
aglycone is polygalic acid.
In the Asian fonn—bi- or tridemosidic solidago saponins I to
XXIX, acyl-virgaurea saponin 1, acylvirgaurea saponin 2,
bellis saponin BA2
Volatile oil (0.4 to 0.5%, in the stored drug less than 0.2%):
chief components
In the European form—alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, limonene,
delta-elemene, gamma-cadinene, beta-phellandrene, myrcene
In the Asian form—limonene, germacrene-D, germacrene-B
and beta-caryophyllene
Polysaccharides (water-soluble, 6 to 8%)

Diterpenes: cis-clerodane-derivatives, presumably only in
the Asian variety


Carotinoids (as blossom pigments)

Flavonoids (I.I to 2%): chief component rutin (0.8 %),
including as well hyperoside, isoquercitrin, avicularin, quer-
cetin-3-O-beta-D-robinoside, astragalin, nicotiflorin, ka-
empferol-3-O-beta-D-galactoside, kaempferol- 3-0-
alpha- arabinoside, kaempferol - 3 - O - beta - D - robinobioside,
isorhamnetin - 3 - O - beta - D- galactoside, isorhamnetin - 3 - O -
beta - D - glucoside, isorhamnetin - 3 - O - beta - D - rutinoside,
rhamnetin - 3 - O - glucorahamnoside

Phenol glucosides (hydroxy benzylbenzoyte diglucosides, 0.2
to 1.0%): leicarposide (0.2 to 1%), virgaureoside A (0.01 to
0.14%), benzyl-2,6-dimethoxy-benzoate

Caffeic acid derivatives (0.2 to 0.4%): including chlorogenic
acid, neochlorogenic acid, 3,5-dicaffeoyl quinic acid

Phenol carboxylic acids: salicylic acid (0.1%), as well as
vanillic acid, protocatechuic acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid,
sinapineic acid—free, estered or glycosylated

Polyynes (in the roots): 2,8-cis-trans-matricaria ester, 2,8-
cis-cis-matricaria ester, cis-lachnophyllum ester, matricaric
acid lactone, lachnophyllum lactone

The drug has a diuretic effect due to the leiocarposide and
the phenol glycosides. Golden Rod also inhibits the forma-
tion of urinary calculi. Leiocarposide displays an analgesic
effect. The saponin is antimicrobial, weakly spasmolytic and
Approved by Commission E:

  • Infections of the urinary tract

  • Kidney and bladder stones
    Unproven Uses: In folk medicine, Golden Rod is used
    internally for rheumatism, gout, diabetes, hemorrhoids,
    prostatic hypertrophy, nervous bronchial asthma, internal
    bleeding, enlargement of the liver, acute exacerbation of
    pulmonary tuberculosis; externally for inflammations of the
    mouth and throat as well as festering wounds

Homeopathic Uses: Solidago virgaurea is used for renal
insufficiency and liver disorders.

Irrigation therapy is c6ntraindicated in cases of edema
resulting from reduced cardiac and/or kidney function.
No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic
dosages. The drug possesses a weak potential for sensitiza-
tion. Care must be taken in patients with chronic renal
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