PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

stomatitis between the chamomile and placebo-treatment
group (Fidler, 1996).

The efficacy of Kamillosan cream (topical chamomile
cream) was compared to steroidal (0.25% hydrocortisone,
"ffe 0.75% fluocortin butyl ester) and non-steroidal (5% bufexa-
mac) deramatologic agents for the maintenance therapy of
eczematous disease. There were 161 patients suffering from
inflammatory dermatoses on hands, forearms, and lower legs
included in the study. The patients had initially been treated
with 0.1% difluocortolone valerate. The Kamillosan cream
was slightly less effective as 0.25% hydrocortisone and
superior to 5% bufexarnac and 0.75% fluocortin butyl ester
(Aertgeerts, 1985).

Approved by Commission E:

Contact Dermatitis: Chamomile, a Compositae plant, is
associated with allergic contact dermatitis (Hausen, 1996;
Pereira, 1997; Rodriguez-Serna, 1998).
Allergic Conjunctivitis: Chamomile tea eye washing to treat
ocular reactions has induced allergic conjunctivitis witii lid
angioedema (Subiza, 1990).

Drug Interactions:

Coumarin Anticoagulants — Due to the content of hydroxy-
coumarins in chamomile, there may be an additive effect
when taken with warfarin.

Alcohol/Benzodiazepines — Chamomile has week anxiolyt-
ic properties at benzodiazepine receptor sites, thus concomi-
tant use of alcohol and benzodiazepines should be avoided.

  • Cough/bronchitis

  • Fevers and colds

  • Inflammation of the skin

  • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx

  • Tendency to infection

  • Wounds and burns

Chamomile is used internally for inflammatory diseases of
the gastrointestinal tract associated with gastrointestinal
spasms, irritation of the oral pharygeal mucous membrane
and upper respiratory tract. Externally, the drug is used for
skin and mucous membrane inflammations, pulpitis, gingivi-
tis, respiratory catarrh, and ano-genital inflammation.

Homeopathic Uses: The herb is used for inflammation and
cramps in the gastrointestinal tract, teething symptoms,
severe pain, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, and

Chamomile should not be taken by anyone with a known
allergy to its components or other members of the Composi-
tae family (eg, arnica, yarrow, feverfew, tansy, artemesia)
(Hausen, 1996). A case report indicates chamomile may
precipitate severe anaphylactic reactions in patients with hay
fever and bronchial asthma caused by a variety of pollens
(grass, olive, and mugwort) (Subiza, 1989).

Anaphylactic Reactions: Ingestion of chamomile-tea infusion
has precipitated an anaphylactic reaction in an 8 year old
male with hay fever and broncial asthma caused by a variety
of pollens (Subiza, 1989).

Mode of Administration: Liquid and solid preparations are
available for external and internal application.

How Supplied:
Capsule — 125 mg, 350 mg, 354 mg

Liquid — 1:4

Oil — 100%
Preparation: An infusion for internal use is prepared by
pouring boiling water (150 ml) over 3 gm of chamomile,
cover for 5 to 10 minutes and strain. (1 teaspoonful = 1 gm

An infusion for external poultice application is prepared by
pouring one and one-half cups of hot water over 2 dessert-
spoons of the drug, cover, leave to draw for 15 minutes and
then strain. Ointments and gels are available in strengths of 3
to 10%.

Daily Dosage: An internal single dose is approximately 3 gm
as an infusion. Liquid extract 1-4 ml or 1 cup of freshly
made tea is administered 3-4 times daily. Externally as a bath
additive, 50 gm is added to 1 Liter of water or 6 gm of drug
for a steam bath. Washes and gargles may be administered
several times a day.

Homeopathic Dosage: Internally, the herb is given as 5-10
drops, 1 tablet, or 5-10 globules. Externally, dilute 1
dessertspoon with 250 ml water and use 2-3 times daily in
poutices or washes (HAB1).
Achterrath-Tuckerman U et al., (1980) Planta Med 39(1 ):38.
Aertgeerts P, Albring M, Klaschka F, Nasemann T, Patzelt-
Wenczler R, Rauhut K, Weigl B, (1985) Vergleichende Priifung
von Kamillosan(Creme gegeniiber steroidalen (0,25 %
Hydrocortison, 0,75 % Bluocortinbutylester) und nichtsteroidalen

Unproven Uses: In Folk medicine, the herb is used internally
for diarrhea and flatulence. The herb is used externally for
furuncles, hemorrhoids, abscesses, and acne.
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