PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

General: Health risks or side effects following the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages are not
recorded. Mild gastrointestinal complaints could occur as
side effects (Cohen, 1998). Also, blood pressure problems,
allergic reactions and phlebitis have occasionally been
documented after parenteral administration. Allergic skin
reactions have been observed on extremely rare occasions.
The possible hypersensitivity reactions consist of occurrence
of spasms and cramps and, in cases of acute toxicity, atonia
and adynamia.

Fertility: Ginkgo has adverse effects on oocytes (Ondrizek,

Hematologic Effects: Spontaneous bilateral subdural hemato-
mas, subarachnoid hemorrhage and an increase in bleeding
time have been associated with chronic Ginkgo biloba
ingestion (Rowin, 1996; Vale. 1998).

Drug Interactions: Antithrombolytic Agents (anticoagulants,
antiplatelets and aspirin) — Spontaneous bleeding has been
associated with the herb due to its potent inhibitory effect on
the platelet-activating factor (PAF). Case reports involving
the herb associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage and
intracerebral hemorrhage suggests an additional risk of
intracerebral hemorrhage with the use of thrombolytic
therapy (Matthews, 1998; Rowin, 1996; Vale, 1998).

Mode of Administration: Ginkgo is available in liquid or
solid pharmaceutical forms, for oral intake and parenterally
for homeopathic use.

How Supplied:
Capsules—30 mg, 40 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, 100 mg, 120 mg,
260 mg, 400 mg, 420 mg, 440 mg, 450 mg, 500 mg



Tablets—30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg, 120 mg, 260 mg
Daily Dosage: Ginkgo biloba extract should be standardized
to contain 24% flavone and 6% terpene lactones: 40 to 80
mg three times a day (van Beek, 1998). Studies have
demonstrated efficacy with 120 mg daily in 2 to 3 divided
doses for dementia, peripheral arterial occlusive disease and
for equilibrium disorders like tinnitus or vertigo (Cesarani,
1998; Le Bar, 1998; Peters, 1998).

Chinese Medicine: In traditional Chinese medicine, the daily
dose is 3 to 6 g of leaves as an infusion.

Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every
30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic);

parenterally: 1 to 2 ml acute, 3 times daily; chronic: once a
day (HAB1).
Storage: Ginkgo must be protected from light and moisture.
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