PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

because Ginseng has been shown to have hypoglycemic

Warfarin/NSAIDS/Antiplatelet Agents — A case report of a
47-year old male with a mechanical valve in the aortic
position taking warfarin had a decrease in the INR 2 weeks
after initiating Ginseng therapy. The INR returned to normal
2 weeks after discontinuation of warfarin (Awang, 1991).
Due to the antiplatelet effect of Ginseng, avoid concomitant
use with antiplatelet agents or NSAIDS.

Phenelzine (MAOI) — Headache, tremors, and mania have
been reported with concomitant use of phenelzine and
Ginseng (Jones, 1987).

Loop Diuretics — Germanium, present in most Ginseng
products, was reported to cause loop diuretic resistance in a
63 year old male with glomerulonephritis. Germainium
causes nephrotoxicity in the nephron segment where loop
diuretics work (Becker, 1996).
Massive overdosages can bring about Ginseng Abuse
Syndrome, which is characterized by hypertension, insom-
nia, hypertonia and edema.
Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug infusions, pow-
der and galenic preparations for internal use. Various
standardized preparations containing Ginseng root are
How Supplied:
Capsules — lOOmg, 150mg. 200mg, 250mg, 404mg, 405mg,
410mg, 424mg, 470mg, 500mg, 505mg, 535mg, 560mg,
lOOOmg, 1250mg
Liquid — 300mg/ml

Tablet — 350mg, 500mg
Preparation: To make an infusion, pour boiling water over 3
gm comminuted drug and strain after 5 to 10 minutes.
Daily Dosage: The average daily dosage is 1 to 2 gm root.
The infusion may be taken 3 to 4 times a day over 3 to 4
Cognitive Function — Oral standardized Ginseng 400 mg
daily was effective in improving cognitive function (Soren-
son, 1996).

Hypoglycemic Effects — Dosage of 100-200 mg of oral
standardized Ginseng has been effective in Type 2 diabetic
patients (Sotaniemi, 1995).

Antiviral — Studies have proven efficacy in addition
vaccination with 100-200 mg daily of oral standardized
Ginseng extract (Scaglione, 1996).

Erectile Dysfunction — Korean Red Ginseng given orally as
600 mg three times daily has been effective (Choi, 1995).

Physical and Psychological Performance Capacity (lack of
stamina) — Ginsana given 100 mg twice daily has improved.
oxygen capacity, reduction of maximum stress frequency,
increase in ling function parameters and shortened reaction
time to visual stimulants after 11 weeks (Forgo, 1985).

Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 5 to 10 globules or 1
mL injection solution sc twice weekly.
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Awang DV. Maternal use of ginseng and neonatal
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Blasius H, Phytotherapie: Adaptogene Wirkung von Ginseng.
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Choi H, Seong D, Rha K. Clinical efficacy of Korean red
ginseng for erectile dysfunction. Int J Impot Res 1995
Sep;7(3): 181-6.
Choi Y, Rha K, Choi H. In vitro and in vivo experimental
effect of Korean red ginseng on erection. J urol 1999
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Forgo I, Schimert G. Zur Frage der Wirkungsdauer des
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Fuzzati N; Gabetta B; Jayakar K et al. Liquid chromatography-
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Guodong L, Zhongqui L. Effects of ginseng saponins on insulin
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