PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

and silvery haired underneath. The young bark is smooth and
greenish-gray. Older bark is dark brown and rough.
Habitat: India, Africa and South America

Production: Cassia pods are the dried ripe fruit of Cassia
Not to be Confused With: Very occasionally the tree has
been confused with South American Cassia species.
Other Names: Canafistula. Indian Laburnum, Pudding Pipe
Tree, Purging Cassia
Anthracene derivatives (1% in the mesocarp): sennosides,
fistulinic acid
Monosaccharides/oligosaccharides (50%): particularly sac-
Fruit acids: citric acid
Steroids: sterols (in the seeds), including beta-sitosterol
Fatty oil (in the seeds)
The anthracene derivatives have a laxative effect. Prepara-
tions from the fruit have demonstrated antimicrobial and
antiviral effects in vitro.
Indian Medicine: Golden Shower Tree is used for flatulence,
constipation, fever, anorexia, gout, jaundice, itching and skin
conditions. Efficacy for constipation is plausible because of
the anthranoid content; the other indications have not been
The drug is contraindicated with ileum, acute-inflammatory
diseases of the intestine and appendicitis. It is also contrain-
dicated for children under 12 years of age and for women
during pregnancy or while nursing.
No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The ques-
tion of the increase in probability of the appearance of
carcinomas in the colon following long-term administration
of Anthracene drugs has not yet been fully clarified. Recent
studies, however, have revealed no connection between the
administration of Anthracene drugs and the frequency of
carcinomas of the colon.
In the case of overdose, cramp-like gastrointestinal com-
plaints could occur as a side effect of the laxative effect of
the drug. Prolonged administration leads to loss of electro-

lytes, particularly of potassium ions, which in turn leads to
aldosteronism, albuminuria, hematuria, inhibition of intesti-
nal motility, muscle weakness, enhancement of the effect of
cardioactive steroids and an influence upon the effect of
antiarrhythmics. In rare cases, administration of the drug
may lead to cardiac arrhythmia, nephropathy, edema and
accelerated osteoclasis.

Mode of Administration: Whole drug preparations are for
internal use.

Preparation: To prepare an extract, use pulp and distilled
water in a 1:1 ratio, macerate, then exhaustively percolate
with distilled water and filter. Evaporate to a soft extract.

Daily Dosage: 4 to 8 gm of fruit pulp

el-Saadany SS, el-Massry RA, Labib SM, Sitohy MZ, The
biochemical role and hypocholesterolaemic potential of the
legume Cassia fistula in hypercholesterolaemic rats. Nahrung,
35:807-15, 1991.
Esposito Avella M, Diaz A, de Gracia I, de Tello R, Gupta
MP, Evaluation of traditional medicine: effects of Cajanus cajan
L. and of Cassia fistula L. on carbohydrate metabolism in mice.
Rev Med Panama, 16:39-45, 1991 Jan.
Esposito Avella M, Diaz A, de Gracia I, de Tello R, Gupta
MP, Studies on the possibilities to infect the cells of callus of
Cassia fistula by an animal virus & induce production of
interferon-like antiviral factor(s). Indian J Exp Biol, 16:349-55,
1981 Apr.
Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H. Schneider G (Ed), Hagers
Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6
(Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992-

Hydrastis canadensis

Golden Seal, Goldenseal (Available from numerous manu-
facturers), Goldenseal Power, Golden Seal Herb, Golden
Seal Root, Golden Seal Plus, Goldenseal Root Alcohol Free,
Herbal Sure Goldenseal Root

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the air-dried
rhizome with the root fibers.

Flower and Fruit: The flower is small, solitary, terminal and
erect. It has 3 small greenish white petals which drop as soon
as they come out. The fruit is a group of small, fleshy,
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