PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

General: If taken over an extended period, the drug can
bring about digestive disorders, mucous membrane irritation,
constipation, excitatory states, hallucinations and occasional-
ly deliria.

Pregnancy: Goldenseal should not be taken during

Drug Interactions: Berberine has an antagonistic effect on
the anticoagulant activity of heparin (Preininger, 1975).

There have been reports of decreased vitamin B absorption
with higher doses of Goldenseal (Tierra, 1980).

Drug/Laboratory Interactions: At one time it was believed
that Goldenseal could mask the detection of tetrahydrocanna-
binol (THC/Marijuana) in illicit drug urinalysis. This effect
has since been disproved (Mikkelsen & Ash, 1988).
The LD50 for berberine in rats was found to be greater than
1,000 mg/kg of body weight making the toxicity of this
componant in Goldenseal very low (Haldon, 1975). The
hydrastine componant appears to be the toxic compound in
Goldenseal. High doses result in strychnine-like convulsions
and gastrointestinal relaxation (Osol & Garrar, 1955). Other
effects of overdose that have been reported include difficulty
in breathing, bradycardia and central paralysis.

Following stomach and intestinal emptying (inducement of
vomiting, gastric lavage with burgundy-colored potassium
permanganate solution, sodium sulfate) the treatment for
poisonings consists of the instillation of activated charcoal
and shock prophylaxis (quiet, warmth). The treatment of
spasms with diazepam (I.V.), electrolyte substitution and the
countering of any acidosis imbalance that may appear with
sodium bicarbonate infusions may be necessary. In the event
of shock, plasma volume expanders should be infused.
Intubation and oxygen respiration may also be required.

Daily Dosage:
Extract — Standardized extract (5% hydrastine) 250-500 mg
3 times daily (Werbach & Murray, 1994)

Fluid extract — lU to 1 teaspoonful (1.25-5 ml) (Grieve,

Solid extract — 325-520 mg (Grieve, 1971)

Local antiseptic — 1 teaspoonful powder steeped in 1 cup
boiling water for 15 minutes. Swish around the mouth or
gargle for mouth or throat sores (Tyler, 1997).

Travelers diarrhea — One capsule (500-1000 mg root) 3
times daily (Tyler, 1997)

Storage: Store at room temperature. Avoid moisture, high
temperatures and direct light.
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