PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Humulus lupulus
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the glandular hairs
separated from the infructescence, the whole dried female
flowers, the fresh cones (preferably with few seeds) collected
before the seeds ripen and the fresh or dried female
Flower and Fruit: The male flowers are yellowish-greenish,
inconspicuous and about 5 mm in diameter. The female
flowers are in richly blossomed, heavily branched inflores-
cence. The ovary, which has 2 long downy stigma, is
surrounded at the base by a round compressed nutlet. A
yellowish fruit cone grows from the female flower. The
inside of the bracts is covered with small, glossy, light
yellow glandular scales, which contain hop bitter (Lupulin).
Leaves, Stem and Root: The hop plant is a perennial. The
annual shoots reach a height of 6 m (12 m when cultivated).
The stems are pencil-thick, green and do not tum woody.
They are covered in 6 rows of climbing barbs. The leaves are
3 to 5 Iobed, serrate and opposite.
Characteristics: Lupulin has a very strong odor and an
extremely bitter taste.
Habitat: Indigenous to Europe, cultivated in Asia, U.S. and
Production: Hop cones consist of the whole dried female
inflorescence of Humulus lupulus. After the harvest, the
hops are dried on racks at temperatures of 30 to 60° C.
Acylphloroglucinols (10%)
Alpha-bitter acids: including, among others, humulone,
cohumulone, adhumulone
Beta-bitter acids: including, among others, lupulone, colupu-
lone, adlupulone
Volatile oil (0.3-1.0%): very complex in makeup, chief
components myrcene, humulene, beta-caryophyllene, unde-
cane-2-on, furthermore 2-methyl-but-3-en-ol (particularly
following storage, as breakdown product of the
Resins (oxidation products of the bitter acids)
Phenolic acid: including, among others, ferulic acid, caffeic
acid and their derivatives, for example, chlorogenic acid
Tannins: oligomeric proanthocyanidines

Flavonoids: including, among others, xanthohumole

The drug is a sedative and therefore has sleep-inducing
effect. This effect, however, strongly depends on the quality
of the extract used.

In animal experiments, the 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol exhaled by
the plant caused a long and deep narcotic sleep after a short
period of excitation.

The hop bitter acids are antibacterial and antimycotic. They
stimulate the secretion of gastric juices. In animal experi-
ments, a strong spasmolytic effect on the smooth muscle of
the intestinal tract has been reported.

An estrogenic principle is considered plausible.

Approved by Commission E:

  • Nervousness and insomnia

Unproven Uses: Used as a bitter and stomachic to stimulate
the appetite and increase the secretion of gastric juices.

In folk medicine, Hops has been used internally for nerve
pain, priapism, inflammation of the intestinal mucous
membrane and tension headaches and used externally for
ulcus cruris, ulcers and skin abrasions.

Homeopathic Uses: Humulus lupulus is found in prepara-
tions for treating nervousness and insomnia.

No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic
dosages. The fresh plant has a sensitizing effect (hop-
picker's disease), which may occur, more rarely, with the
dust of the drug as well.

Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug, powdered drug
or dry extract powder for infusions or decoctions or other
preparations; liquid and solid preparations for internal use
and externally for bath additives.

Hops is often found in combination with other sedatives.

How Supplied:
Liquid extract — drug: 1:1 45% ethanol (V/V) (BHP83).

Tincture — drug 1:5 60% ethanol (V/V) (BHP83)

Preparation: To prepare an infusion, boiling water is poured
over the ground hop cones and left to draw for 10 to 15
minutes (1 teaspoonful is equal to 0.4 gm drug).

Daily Dosage: For most indications, a single dose of 0.5 gm
is given.
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