PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Leaves, Stem and Root: The green succulent leaves grow.
directly from the perennial fibrous root and form a dense,
obovate, basal rosette 5 to 10 cm in diameter. They are
fleshy and juicy, flat, 2.5 to 5 cm long. The purple leaves are
sessile-oblong with a ciliate margin and are often in carpets
of tufts.
Habitat: The plant is indigenous to central and southern
Europe and now grows wild in northern Europe, northern
Africa, and western Asia.
Other Names: Jupiter's Eye. Jupiter's Beard, Thor's Beard,
Bullock's Eye, Sengreen, Ayron, Ayegreen, Aaron's Rod,
Hens and Chickens, Liveforever, Thunder Plant
Fruit acids: L(-)-malic acid, isocitric acid, succinic acid
The active agents are the leaves containing tannin, bitter
substances, sugar, and mucous. Results of research carried
out to date point to a possible liver-protective and anti-
oxidative effect. There are no studies available for the
astringent, diuretic and antiseptic effects attributed to the
Unproven Uses: Houseleek is used internally to relieve
severe diarrhea. Folk medicine uses include dysentery,
dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea, impairment of hearing and
fever, worm infestation, uterine neuralgia, tonsillitis, head-
ache and toothache. Externally, the drug is used for bums,
wounds, ulcers and swelling caused by insect bites, open
wounds, sore nipples, corns, inflammation of the throat,
hemorrhoids, eczema, stomatitis, oral fungal infections and
inflammation of mucous membranes and for the treatment of
itchy and burning skin parts. A gargle of diluted juice made
from the leaves is used for stomatitis.

No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic
Mode of Administration: Houseleek is used internally as a
decoction. Freshly pressed leaves and their juice is used

Preparation: To prepare an infusion, allow 15 g of the drug
to steep in 1000 ml water for 10 minutes. Poultices are
prepared using crushed fresh leaves. A compress is made by
soaking a cloth in plant juice that has been diluted with

water. Gargles are prepared using plant juice diluted with
water and sweetened with honey. The pure plant juice is used
for ear drops.

Daily Dosage: Infusion dosage is 1 cup every 3 hours.
Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der
Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. Aufl., Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969.
Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3,
Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979.

Humulus lupulus

See Hops

Hwema Bark

Corynanthe pachyceras
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part of the plant is the bark.
Flower and Fruit: The inflorescence is an apical, up to 10-
cm long panicle. The calyx has 4 short tips. The corolla tube
is white and urn-shaped with 4 narrow, approximately 2-mm
long lobes. The lobes have globular appendages, with 4
stamens and a 2-chambered ovary. The fruit is a 7 to 10 mm
long and 2 to 4 mm wide, loculicidal capsule, which is black
when ripe, with numerous double slit winged seeds.

Leaves and Trunk: Corynanthe pachyceras is a tree that
grows up to 20 m high. The leaves are opposite, with simple
lamina that are paper-like. The lamina grow from 15 to 25
cm long and 5 to 7 cm wide. They are elongate-ovate with
approximately 12 mm long stipules. The branches are
glabrous and the trunk bark is dark green to reddish brown.

Habitat: Tropical Africa

Production: Hwema bark is the dried bark of Corynanthe
pachyceras. It is dried in the sun or drying cupboard with
circulating air at temperatures less than 70° C after
Not to be Confused With: Incorrect identification can occur
with Cinchonae cortex and sometimes with Yohimbe Cortex.
Indole alkaloids of the beta-carboline and oxindole type:
chief alkaloids corynanthine (1.2%) and corynantheidine,
including as well, corynanthidine (alpha-yohimbine), beta-
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