PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

ovary with 3 styles. The male flowers are above these with 4
sepals and 8 stamens. On the tips of the young flower shoots
are T-shaped, hairy structures approximately 2 mm wide
with 2 side openings. The fruit is a 3-chambered capsule
with 3 gray-brown seeds of approximately 1 mm diameter.
Leaves, Stem and Root: Indian nettle is an annual, upright,
nettle-like diclinous, monoecious herb, which grows up to 60
cm high. The leaves are alternate, long-petiolate, round to
rhomboid, 2 to 6 cm long, 1.5 to 5 cm wide narrowing to the
petiole. They are matte above, glossy beneath with strongly
protruding ribs, dentate at the front and smooth toward the
base. The margin, petiole and ribs are weakly pubescent with
2 awl-like stipules. The stem is usually unbranched and
pubescent. The main root is unbranched with thin secondary

Habitat: The plant comes from India, Indochina and
Other Names: Cat's Nettle

Production: Indian nettle is the whole fresh plant of
Acalypha indica collected during the flowering season and
Cyanogenic glycosides: acalyphin (0.3%, 3-cyanopyridone
Tannins: including tri-O-methyl ellagic acid

Volatile oil
The drug is hemostyptic and antibacterial in effect (cyano-
genic glucoside acalyphine). In vitro, proof of an accelera-
tion of blood coagulation exists, which is due to the high
levels of calcium salts. The leaf latex is said to have emetic
and expectorant effects upon children. When administered as
a suppository for constipation, it is said to immediately relax
the contracted anal sphincter.
Unproven Uses: Internally used for worm infestation and
constipation, for pregnant women, also for upset stomach
and bronchitis. Externally used for eczema and skin rashes,
ear ache (decoction), tumors (juice), as well as for cuts and
other wounds, and also for inflammation of the joints (cut
leaves and stems).

Indian Medicine: Preparations are used for ulcers, changes to
the skin, bronchitis, constipation, croup and earache.

No health hazards or side effects other than possible gastric
irritation are known in conjunction with the proper adminis-

tration of designated therapeutic dosages. Dermatitis has
been observed following skin contact with the latex of the
fresh plant. Cyanide poisonings from the drug are unlikely,
due to the relatively low levels of cyanogenic glycoside
content and the lack of stimuli leading to ingestion.

In animal experiments (rabbits), administration of large
quantities of the drug led to gastrointestinal inflammation
and to a change in blood color to chocolate-brown,
indicating the presence of additional toxic substances.

Mode of Administration: Liquid preparations and other
galenic preparations for internal use and liquid preparations
for external use.


Decoction: 100 gm drug to 1 liter water
Extract: 1000 gm drug to 1000 ml 90% ethanol (V/V)
Infusion: 50 gm drug to 1 liter water
Juice: 800 gm drug to 800 ml water and 200 ml ethanol 90%
Tincture: 125 gm drug to 1000 ml ethanol 90% (V/V)

Daily Dosage:

Decoction — single dose: 15 to 30 ml

Extract — single dose: 0.3 to 2 ml

Infusion — single dose: 15 to 30 ml

Juice — single dose: 0.3 to 2 ml

Tincture — single dose: 2 to 4 ml

Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J, Rimpler G,
Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen
Praxis. Folgebande 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin,
Heidelberg 1998.

Senanayake N, Sanmuganathan PS, Acalypha indica induced
haemolysis in G6PD deficiency. Ceylon Med J, 26:1996 Jan.

Senanayake N, Sanmuganathan PS, Acute intravascular
haemolysis in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient
patients following ingestion of herbal broth containing Acalypha
indica. Trop Doct, 26:32, 1996 Jan.

Shanmugasundaram KR, Seethapathy PG, Shanmugasundaram
ER, Anna Pavala Sindhooram - an antiatherosclerotic Indian
drug. J Ethnopharmacol, 7:247-65, 1983 May.
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