PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

How Supplied:
Capsules — 100 mg, 125 mg, 128 mg, 150 mg, 250 mg, 390
mg, 400 mg, 425 mg, 455 mg, 500 mg

Liquid — 1:1, 1:2
Preparation: There are a number of different extraction
recipes depending on the pharmaceutical companies.
Daily Dosage:
Capsules — The root extract is taken 150 mg to 300 mg
twice daily, with a daily dosage of kava pyrones 50 to 240
mg (Herberg, 1996; Lehmann, 1996).

Tincture — The tincture is taken as 30 drops with water
three times daily (Chavallier, 1996).
Infusion — Take 1/2 cup twice daily (Chavallier. 1996).
Note: The drug should be administered with food or liquid
due to its lipid solubility (Fachinfo Antares 120 (R). 1996).
The activity of the herb is enhanced when mixtures of the
kava pyrones are taken instead of a single pyrone (Jamieson,
Homeopathic Dosage: The herb is taken as 5 to 10 drops, 1
i tablet or 5 to 10 globules 1 to 3 times daily, or 1 ml injection
solution sc twice weekly (HAB1).
Storage: The herb should be stored away from direct light,
moisture and heat at room temperature.
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