PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Hydroxycoumarins: for example, umbelliferone, aesculetin

The aqueous extract and essential oil show antimicrobial
activity in laboratory tests.
Mugwort is not to be used during pregnancy.
Unproven Uses: Mugwort is used in complaints and
problems involving the gastrointestinal tract such as stomach
ulcers and indigestion. The plant is also used for worm
infestations, epilepsy, persistent vomiting, to promote circu-
lation, as a sedative, and for delayed or irregular menstua-
tion. The root is used for asthenic states as a tonic, and in
combination with other remedies also for psychoneuroses,
neurasthenia, depression, hypochondria, autonomic neuroses,
general irritability and restlessness, insomnia and anxiety
states. The efficacy of Mugwort for the listed indications has
not been substantiated.
Chinese Medicine: Mugwort is used in China for female
complaints as well as for ulcers and burns.
Homeopathic Uses: Homeopathic uses of the root include
convulsions and worm infestations.
General: No health hazards or side effects are known in
conjunction with the proper administration of designated
therapeutic dosages. Sensitization through skin contact has
been observed, almough very rarely.
Pregnancy: Mugwort is not to be used during pregnancy.
Mode of Administration: Since the efficacy for the claimed
applications is not verified, therapeutic administration is not
Preparation: "Moxibustion" (China, Japan) leaves are
ground with water in a mortar and, after removal of the
larger remnants, small cones are formed and dried to be later
burnt onto the skin of the patient Tea is prepared by
allowing 1 tsp. to draw in 150 to 200 ml boiling water for 10
minfites. A liquid extract is prepared in a 1:1 proportion from
a mixture of the drug in 25% ethanol.
Daily Dosage: An infusion (drug 0.5 to 2 g) is given 3 times
daily. Usual dosage of tea is one cup 2 or 3 times daily.

Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet, 10 globules every 30
to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic);
Parenterally: 1 to 2 ml 3 times daily sc (HAB1).

Hoffmann B, Herrmann K, (1982) Z Lebensm Unters Forsch
174 (3):211.

Jork H, Juel S, (1979) Arch Pharm 312:540.
Juel S et al., (1976) Arch Pharm 309:458.
Kaul VK et al., (1976) Ind J Pharm 38 (1):21.
Marco JA et al., Sesquiterpenes lactones from Artemisia
species. In: PH 32:460. 1993.
Marco JA, Sanz JF, Hierro P, Two eudesmane acids from
Artemisia vulgaris. In: PH 30:2403-2404. 1991.
Michaelis K et al., On the essential oil components from
blossoms of Artemisia vulgaris L. In: Z Naturfosch 37(3/4): 152.
Nano GM et al., (1976) Planta Med 30:211.
Nano GM et al., Composition of some oils from Artemisia
vulgaris. In: PM 30(3):211. 1976.
Stefanovic M et al., (1982) Glas Khem Drush Beogr 47 (3):7.
Wallnofer B, Hofer O, Greger H, Polyacetylenes from Artemsia
"Vulgares" Group. In: PH 28(10):2687. 1989.
Further information in:
Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers
Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6
(Drogen): Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992-
Hausen B, Allergiepflanzen, Pflanzenallergene, ecomed
Verlagsgesellsch. mbH, Landsberg 1988.
Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3,
Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979.
Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
Stuttgart 1997.

Ptychopetalum olacoides
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried roots and
the dried trunk with bark.
Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are racemous; there
are 1 or 2 per axil. They have 5 to 8 flowers and are about 2
cm long. The calyx is narrow and has 5 tips. The corolla is
white, oblong and about 1.3 to 2 mm long. The outside is
smooth, and the inside is white pubescent. There are usually
10 stamens with long anthers. The ovary is clavate. The fruit
is a long elliptical drupe that is initially green and changes to
pink and finally to lilac-black when ripening. The pericarp is
thin, and the endocarp is crusty.
Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a 5 to 15 m high tree
with a trunk 25 cm in diameter, which is vertically grooved.
The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, very tapered and narrow
toward the base. They are sometimes acute, coriaceous,
smooth and gray or frosted to blue-green beneath. The dried
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