PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Leaves, Stem and Root: Commiphora molmol is a thorny
shrub or small tree up 3 m high. It has a thick trunk and
numerous irregular knotted branches and smaller clustered
branchlets. A few trifoliate leaves grow at the end of short
branches, with very small lateral leaflets dentate only at the
tip. The terminal leaflet is 1 cm long, obovate and glabrous.
The oleo-gum resin exudes from fissures or incisions in the
bark and is collected as irregular masses or tears, varying in
color from yellowish to reddish-brown, often with white
Characteristics: The surface may be oily or covered with
fine dust. The taste is bitter and acrid. The odor is aromatic.

Triterpenes (30-50%): including 3-epi-alpha-amyrin, alpha-
Mucilages (30-60%): chiefly methyl-glucurono-galactans)

Myrrh has a local astringent, disinfectant and granulation-
promoting effect because of its essential oil (consisting
mainly of sesquiterpenes) and amaroids.
Approved by Commission E:

  • Inflammation of the mouth and pharynx
    Unproven Uses: Myrrh is used for the topical treatment of
    mild inflammations of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa. In
    folk medicine, Myrrh is occasionally used internally as a
    carminative for non-specific intestinal infections and also as
    an expectorant for coughs. Folk medicine uses have also

included stimulating the appetite and the flow of digestive
Chinese Medicine: Uses include carbuncles, furuncles,
wounds (as a styptic), amenorrhea and abdominal tumors.
Indian Medicine: Among uses in Indian medicine are
menstrual disorders, stomach complaints, wounds, ulcers and
inflammations of the skin and mouth.
Use of myrrh is contraindicated during pregnancy.
No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic
Mode of Administration: Powdered resin, myrrh tincture and
other galenic preparations for topical use.

How Supplied:
Capsules — 657 mg
Dental powders — 10% powdered resin

Liquid — 1:1 (Myrrh gum)

Oil — 100% (Myrrh commiphora)
Preparation: Prepare 1:5 tincture using 90% ethanol (V/V)
in accordance with DAB 10.

Daily Dosage: Myrrh tincture: Paint an undiluted tincture
(1:5) on 2 to 3 times daily for external applications. As a
rinse, use 5 to 10 drops in a glass of water; as a gargle, 30 to
60 drops in a glass of water. In dental powders: 10% of
powdered resin.
Storage: The herb and its preparations should be stored in
sealed containers that protect them from light and moisture.
A desiccant should be present because the carbohydrate
component of the drug readily absorbs water. For this reason,
powdered forms should not be stored.
Arora RB et al., (1972) bid J Med Res 60(6):929.
Bajaj AC, Dev S, (1982) Tetrahedron 38(19):2949.
Brieskorn CH, (1980) Tetrahedron Lett 21(6):1511.
Brieskorn CH et al., (1983) Phytochemistry 22:187 et 1207.
Delaveau P et al., (1980) Planta Med 40:49.
Kodama M et al., (1975) Tetrahedron Lett 35:3065.
Malhotra SC, Ahuja MMS, (1971) Ind J Med Res 59(10):1621.
Mester L et al., (1979) Planta Med 37(4):367.
Mincione E, Iavarone C, (1972) Chim Ind 54:424 and 525.
Pernet R, (1972) Lloydia 35:280.

Habitat: The plant is indigenous to eastern Mediterranean
countries, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Yemen and South
Production: Myrrh is collected in the wild from June to
August and consists of oleo-gum resin exuded from the
stems of Commiphora molmol after incisions have been
made in the bark. It is then air-dried. Myrrh can also
originate from other Commiphora species if the chemical
composition is comparable to the official drug.
Not to be Confused With: Some confusion can arise with
"False myrrh" or Commiphora mukul.
Other Names: Guggal Gum, Guggal Resin, Didin, Didtfiin
Volatile oil (2-10%): chief components are sesquiterpenes
including, among others, delta-elemene, beta-eudesmol,
alpha-copaene and furosesquiterpenes, especially 5-acetoxy-
2-memoxy-4,5-dienone (aroma-bearer), furanoeudesma-1,3-
dien," isofufanogermacren (curzeren), curzenenone, 2-
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