PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3,
Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979.
Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag
Heidelberg 1996.

A Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer
Verlag Heidelberg 1992.
Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
Stuttgart 1997.
Wagner H, Wiesenauer M, Phytotherapie. Phytopharmaka und
pflanzliche Homoopathika, Fischer-Verlag, Stuttgart, Jena. New
York 1995.
Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen. 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
Stuttgart 1997.

Perilla fructescens

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plants are the
leaf-bearing branches and leaves.

Flower and Fruit: The flowers are in 2-blossomed false
whorls in the axils of the triangular bracts in 5 to 15 cm long,
spike-like, downy-haired inflorescences. The calyx is cam-
panulate, bilabiate, 3 to 10 mm long, with a triple-toothed
upper lip and a lower lip divided in two. The corolla is 4 to 5
mm long, almost radial, with a short tube and a broadened,
almost circular section having a whitish, 5-lobed margin.
There are 4 stamens of almost equal length and a superior, 2-
carpeled, 4-chambered ovary. The fruit is globose, gray-
brown, with plirple reticulate stripes and-a-diameter of
approximately 1.5 mm. The pericarp is thin and brittle; the
seeds yellowish-white.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The herb, stands up to 1 m high. The
leaves are long-petiolate. The lamina is wide-ovate, acumi-
nate, rounded at the base, crenate, curly, dull green with
brown-red spots to blackish-purple. The leaves are glossy
and downy-haired along the veins. The stem is square,
branched and downy.

Habitat: The species is found in India, Burma, Japan and

Production: Perilla leaves are the dried leaves and leaf-
bearing branches of Perilla fructescens. Harvesting is from
July to August, after which the leaves and branches are dried
in the sun or shade.

Other Names: Beefsteak Plant

Volatile oil: constituents vary greatly according to chemo-
type, with perillaldehyde, L-limonene + perillaldehyde,
perilla ketone, myristicin, dill apiole or elsholtzia ketone

Caffeic acid derivatives: rosmarinic acid (0.4 to 1.7%)

Monoterpene glucosides: including perillosides A to D,
citrusine C

Flavonoids: apigenin glucoside and luteolin glucoside,
estered to some extent with caffeic acid

Perilla aldehyde (chemotype PA) is sedative and antibacteri-
al in effect; perilla ketone (chemotype PK) acts as a
propulsive in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, a
cytotoxic and antitumorous effect was able to be demon-
strated. Perilla leaves may trigger allergic skin reactions
(Kanzaki & Kimura, 1992.) In at least one study, serum
cholesterol and triglyceride levels in rats that were fed Perilla
oil were lowered (Sakono et al, 1993.)
Unproven Uses: The herb is used pharmaceutical^ as an
antiseptic and for diseases of the mouth. The oil may also
have positive antilipidemic effects.
Chinese Medicine: Perilla is used in traditional Chinese
medicine for colds with fever, coughs, shortness of breath,
chills, swelling of the nasal mucous membrane, headache
and to treat poisoning from ingestion of fish or crab. Efficacy
for these indications has not yet been proven.
Use during pregnancy is contraindicated because perillaldeh-
yde was demonstrated to have a mutagenic effect in some in
vitro studies.
No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages. The plant
possesses potential for sensitization. In tests with sheep using
.15 to 20 mg/kg body weight administration per infusion,
Perilla ketone triggered pulmonary edema. Perillaldehyde
had mutagenic effect in some in vitro studies.

Mode of Administration: Whole, cut, powdered drug prepa-
rations and oil for internal use.
Daily Dosage: Extract (aqueous): 3 to 10 g
Blaschek W, Hansel R, Keller K, Reichling J, Rimpler G,
Schneider G (Eds), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen
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