PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Praxis. Folgebande 1 und 2. Drogen A-Z. Springer. Berlin,
Heidelberg 1998.
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Perilla fructescens

See Perilla


Vine a minor
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried leaves,
the fresh aerial parts of the flowering plant and the whole
fresh flowering plant.

Flower and Fruit: The flowers are solitary, long-pedicled, 40
to 50 mm in diameter and grow in the axils of the upper
leaves. The calyx is funnel-shaped with long, narrow-linear,
pointed-ciliated tips. The corolla is light blue or violet widi a
funnei-shaped tube and 5 irregularly terminated tips. The
fruit is a follicle. It is oblong, acuminate, 15 to 2 mm long
and has 2 to 3 seeds.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial subshrub, 10
to 60 cm high. The non-flowering shoots are prostrate root at
the nodes. The flowering shoots are ascending, up to 20 cm
high and woody at?the*base. The leaves are evergreen, ovate,
tapering at the front and distinctly pinnate-ribbed. They are 5
cm by 2 cm, petiolate with finely ciliated margins, which
become glabrous later.

Habitat: The plant is indigenous to northern Spain, through
western France, eastward via central and southern Europe as
far as the Caucasus; it has been naturalized in many regions.

Production: Periwinkle herb consists of the above-ground
parts of Vinca minor.
Indole alkaloids (0.15-1.4%): chief alkaloid vincamine
(ebumamine-type, 25-65%), including as well vincine,
apovincamine, vincadifformin

Flavonoids: including kempferol-3-0-rhamnoside-7-0-glu-
coside, kempferol-3-0-rhamnoglucoside-3-0-galactoside,

kempferol-3-0-rhamnoglucoside-3-0-glucoside, quercetin-

The alkaloid vincamine is hypotensive, negatively chrono-
tropic, spasmolytic, hypoglycemic and sympatholytic. Scien-
tifically validated studies on the hypotensive effect on
humans have not yet been carried out. Its use as an amaroid
seems plausible.

Unproven Uses: Periwinkle is used internally for circulatory
disorders, cerebral circulatory impairment and support for
the metabolism of the brain. It is also used internally for loss
of memory, hypertension, cystitis, gastritis and enteritis,
diarrhea, raised blood sugar levels and to help weaning.
Periwinkle is used externally for sore throats, nose bleeds,
bruising, abscesses, eczema and to stop bleeding.

Homeopathic Uses: Periwinkle is used for weeping eczema
and bleeding mucous membranes.
No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages. Gastroin-
testinal complaints and skin flushing have been observed as
side effects.
Overdosage will bring about a severe drop in blood pressure.
Cases of poisonings have not yet been recorded.

Treatment includes gastrointestinal emptying (inducement of
vomiting, gastric lavage with burgundy-coloured potassium
permanganate solution, sodium sulphate), instillation of
activated charcoal and shock prophylaxis (appropriate body
position, quiet, warmth). The therapy for poisonings consists
of treating bradycardia with atropine or Alupent, cardiac
arrhythmias with lidocaine or phenytoin and treating possible
cases of acidosis with sodium bicarbonate infusions. In case
of shock, plasma volume expanders should be infused.

Mode of Administration: Whole, cut and powdered drug is
available in the form of capsules, ampules, coated and filmed
tablets, and compound preparations.

Preparation: To make a tea, pour 200 ml boiling water over
1 teaspoonful of drug, steep for 10 minutes, then strain. To
make a decoction, boil 60 gm of drug in 1 liter of water for 2
minutes, steep for 10 minutes, then strain.

To make an infusion, boil 15 gm of drug in 1/4 liter of water.
To make wine, macerate 100 gm of drug in 1 liter of wine
for 10 days, decant, then press. To make a liquid for
gargling, boil 2 dessertspoonfuls of drug for a few minutes in
1/2 liter water.
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