PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Leaves, Stem and Root: The young shoots are villous,
becoming pubescent. The leaves have a leaf cushion and are
flat, short (1 to 1.5 cm long) and obtuse. The upper surface is
dark green and the under surface has 2 blue-white long

Habitat: The plant is indigenous to North America.

Other Names: Hemlock Bark, Canada Pitch, Hemlock Gum

Tannins (8-15%)

Flavonoids: hemlock tannin

Stilbene derivatives (8-10%): picea tannols

The active agents are the tannin, hemlock tannin, and picea
tannols. The drug has astringent, anti-inflammatory, diapho-
retic, and diuretic properties.
Unproven Uses: Pinus Bark is used for digestive disorders,
diarrhea, and diseases of the mouth and throat. It was
formerly used to treat scurvy.

No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic
dosages. Administration in allopathic medicine is not

Mode of Administration: The drug is available as a liquid
extract, in medicinal preparations and combinations.

Hoppe HA, (1975-1987) Drogenkunde, 8. Aufi., Bde 1-3: W de
Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York.
Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der
Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 4. AufL, Bde 1-8: Springer Verlag
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1969.

Pinus species

See Scotch Pine

Piper betle

See Betel Nut

Piper cubeba

See Cubeb

Piper elongatum

See Matico

Piper methysticum

See Kava Kava

Piper nigrum

See Black Pepper


Chimaphila umbellata

Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the dried Ier.es
(occasionally mixed with twigs and flowers), the fresh ierial
parts of the flowering plant and the complete dried pLiat.

Flower and Fruit: The plant has terminal inflorescences 10
cm long with umbels of 2 to 7 flowers. The flowers. *inch
are initially bright pink and men white, are nodding and
mildly campanulate. The 5 sepals are obbvate. denuze and
about a third as long as the 5 petals. The petals are broadly
ovate, domed, pink and 5 to 6 mm long. The 10 stamens are
thickened at the base, the edges are winged and ciliare. The
anthers are short, thick and red. The style is very short and
the stigma broad and shorter than the anthers. The fnm is a
5-grooved capsule with erect stems.

Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial semi-shrub
growing up to 25 cm high with an upright, angular stem and
a creeping white rhizome. The evergreen, alternate leaves are
short-petioled, coriaceous, ovate-spatulate to linear and
wedge-shaped. The leaf margin is sharply serrate.

Habitat: The plant grows extensively in Europe. Asia,
Siberia, and North and South America. It is a protected
species in Germany.

Production: Pipsissewa is the aerial part of Chimaphila
umbellata, which is collected in the wild.
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