PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

Leaves, Stem and Root: Poley is a dwarf shrub that grows up
to 45 cm high. The leaves are decussate, obovate to elongate,
crenate, involute and pubescent. The stem is densely covered
with white, greenish or golden hairs.

Habitat: Mediterranean region

Production: Poley herb is the dried aerial part of Teucrium
polium collected during the flowering season.
Diterpenes: including picropolin, picropolinol, picropolinon,
teucrin A, teucrin PI , teucrin H3 , montanines B and C,
teupolins I to V, gnaphalidin. the diterpene spectrum varies a
great deal according to both the subspecies being investi-
gated and its source

Volatile oil (0.1 to l%): the following have been demon-
strated to be chief components, varying according to
chemical race, alpha-pinene and beta-pinene, alpha-cadinol,
alpha-humulene, beta-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide,
cedrol, gamma-cadinene, delta-cadinene, limonene, linalool,
menthofurane, myrcene, ocimene, T-cadinol, terpine-4-ol

Iridoids: iridoid glycosides, including 8-O-acetyl harpagide,
harpagide, teucardoside
Flavonoids: including apigenin-7-O-glucoside, luteolin-7-O-
glucoside, acacetine, apigenin, cirsiliol, cirsimaritin. eupato-
rin, luteolin, salvigenin

The antidiabetic and anti-ulcer efficacy with which the drug
has been credited has not yet been documented in definitive
clinical studies. A reduction of the ulcer index was described
in connection with animal experiments; furthermore, a
definite reduction of the blood sugar levels was exhibited
following the I.V. administration of a 4% decoction of the
dried herb. The drug is additionally antibacterial, antipyretic
and possibly anti-edematic and antiexudative in effect.

Unproven Uses: Poley is used for diabetes (Israel), gastric
complaints (North Africa), fever (Italy) and as a vulnerary
No health hazards are known in conjunction with the proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages.

Mode of Administration: Cut drug and liquid extract for
internal use.

Daily Dosage: Single dose for infusion: 1.5 gm drug per cup

Storage: Should be tightly sealed and protected from light.

Autore G, Capasso F, De Fusco R, Fasulo MP. Lembo M,
Mascolo N, Menghini A, Antipyretic and antibacterial actions of
Teucrium polium (L.). Pharmacol Res Commun, 16:21-9, 1984
Capasso F, Cerri R, Morrica P, Senatore F? Chemical
composition and anti-inflammatory activity of an alcoholic
extract of Teucrium polium L. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper,
59:1639-43, 1983 Nov 30.
Gharaibeh MN, Elayan HH, Salhab AS. Hypoglycemic effects
of Teucrium polium. J Ethnopharmacol, 24:93-9. 1988 Sep.
Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpier H, Schneider G (Ed), Hagers
Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6
(Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992-
Mattei A, Rucay P, Samuel D, Feray C. Reynes M, Bismuth H,
Liver transplantation for severe acute liver failure after herbal
medicine (Teucrium polium) administration, letter J Hepatol,
22:597, 1995 May.
Rizk AM, Hammouda FM, Rimpier H, Kamel A, Chemical
composition of the wild Egyptian plant Teucrium polium L.
Pharmazie, 22:540-1, 1974 Aug.
Rizk AM, Hammouda FM. Rimpier H. Kamel A, Iridoids and
flavonoids of Teucrium polium herb. Planta Med. 22:87-8, 1986
Rizk AM, Hammouda FM, Rimpier H, Kamel A, On the
essential oil of Teucrium polium L. Pharmazie. 22:351-2, 1974
Suleiman MS, Abdul-Ghani AS, Al-Khalil S. Amin R, Effect of
Teucrium polium boiled leaf extract on intestinal motility and
blood pressure. J Ethnopharmacol. 22:111-6, 1988 Jan.

Polygala amara

See Bitter Milkwort

Polygala senega

See Seneca Snakeroot

Polygonatum multiflorum

See Solomon's Seal

Polygonum aviculare

See Knotweed

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