PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

molytic and anti-exudative affects have been described,
although detailed information is unavailable.
Indian Medicine: Red Sandalwood is used for headaches,
toothaches, vomiting, black vomit, diarrhea, fever and
conditions of the eye. It is also used to treat stomach ulcers,
gallbladder complaints, diabetes, and snakebite poisoning.
No health hazards or side effects are known in conjunction
with the proper administration of designated therapeutic
Mode of Administration: Red Sandalwood is available as
whole, crude and powdered drug forms for internal and
external use.
Preparation: To prepare a tincture, 200 parts coarsely
powdered drug are mixed with 1000 parts ethanol (EB6).
Daily Dosage: As a tincture, 5 gm.
Storage: Red Sandalwood should be tightly sealed, pow-
dered and protected from light.
Kumar N et al., PH 13:633. 1974.
Kumar N et al.. PH 14:521. 1974.
Kumar N et al., PH 15:1417. 1976.
Seshadri TR. (1972) Phytochemistry 11:881.
Seshadri TR, PH 11:881. 1972.
Singh S et al., Fitoterapia 63:555. 1992.
Singh S et al., Fitoterapia 64:84. 1993.
Further information in:
Kern W, List PH, Horhammer L (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der
Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 4. Aufl., Bde. 1-8: Springer Verlag
Berlin. Heidelberg, New York, 1969.
Wichtl M (Hrsg.), Teedrogen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges.
Stuttgart 1997.

Red-Rooted Sage


Salvia miltiorrhiza
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts of the plant are the
dried rhizome and root.
Flower and Fruit: The inflorescences are false whorls with 6
to 8 flowers arranged very close together in glandularly
haired racemes with a few lanceolate bracts. The calyx is

campanulate, dark purple and glandularly pubescent. The
upper lip is simple, the lower lip is longer than the upper lip
and thorny-double-dentate with an inner dense ring of white
hairs. The petals are violet and glandularly pubescent on the
outside. The corolla tube is approximately 1.9 cm long; the
upper lip slightly enlarged and turned out. There are 2 long
and 2 short stamens and a superior, 2-carpeled, 4-chambered
ovary. The fruit breaks up into 4, 1-seeded mericarps.

Leaves, Stem and Root: Salvia miltiorrhiza is a herbaceous
perennial growing upright to a height of up to 80 cm. The
lower leaves are cordate to ovate. The upper leaves are
trifoliolate, crenate-dentate, pubescent above and along the
ribs of the lower surface. The rhizome is thick and short.

Habitat: The plant is found in China and Japan.

Production: Red sage (red ginseng) root is the dried rhizome
and root of Salvia miltiorrhiza. The plant is dug up in spring
or autumn, cleaned, cut and dried.

Not to be Confused With: Mistaken identity can occur with
Salvia przewalskii or Salvia trijuga.

  • Other Names: Red Ginseng, Red-Rooted Salvia, Dan-Shen

Diterpenes: the so-called tanshinones, including cryptotansh-
inone, isocryptotanshinone, isotanshinones I and II, tanshi-
nones I and II, miltiron, ferruginol, salviol

Caffeic acid derivatives: including rosmarinic acid, lithos-
permic acid ethyl ester, salvianolic acids A to E

Patients with coronary heart disease experienced an improve-
ment in various hemodynamic parameters. At the same time,
a significant increase in coronary blood flow due to a
reduction of vascular resistance was demonstrated. The drug
is antithrombotic, antihypertonic, antimicrobial, antipyretic/
anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective in its effect; it is also
said to possess sedative characteristics.

Chinese Medicine: Preparations of the root are used for
metrorrhagia, pain following menstruation, amenorrhea, post
partum bleeding and pain, angina pectoris, furuncles, carbun-
cles, painful swellings, swelling of the liver and spleen, and
joint pain. Efficacy for these indications has not yet been

No health hazards are known in conjunction with die proper
administration of designated therapeutic dosages.
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