PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

General: No health hazards or side effects are known in
conjunction with the proper administration of designated
therapeutic dosages.

Pregnancy: Sage preparations should not be taken during
A sense of heat, tachycardia, feelings of vertigo and
epileptiform convulsions can occur following extended
intake of ethanolic extracts of the drug or volatile oil, or
through overdosage (corresponding to more than 15 g of the
sage leaves). ,.
Mode of Administration: Cut herb for infusions, alcoholic
extracts, and distillates for gargles, rinses, and other topical
applications such as compresses or poultices. The pressed
juice of fresh plants is also used. In folk medicine, Sage is
used internally as an antihidrotic infusion and "medicinal
cigarettes" are used for asthma.

How Supplied: Sage is available as an alcohol-free 1:1 liquid.

Preparation: ' v
Tincture — prepared 1:10 with 70% ethanol.

Liquid extract — 1:1 with 45% euianol.

The formulas for several "generic" folk medicine decoc-
tions and infusions follows.

Decoction No. 1 — One spoonful of powdered drug scalded
with 1 cup of water, quickly strained, and sweetened.

Decoction No. 2 — 15 g of the fresh leaves with 200 ml of
water heated for 3 minutes.

Infusion No.l — Scald 20 g dried leaves with 1 liter water,
steep for 15 minutes, strain, press, and sweeten if required.

Infusion No. 2 — Pour 1 liter boiling water over 50 g drug,
strain after 15 minutes and sweeten with honey.

Antihidrotic infusion — Scald 20 g of the dried leaves wiuh 1
liter water, steep 15 minutes, strain, compress and sweeten if

Cardiac insufficiency — A tonic infusion is prepared by
pouring 1 liter boiling water over 50 g of the drug, strain
after 15 minutes, sweeten with sugar or honey.

Diabetes — Prepare a fortified wine made by boiling 100 g
of the leaves with one liter wine for 2 minutes.

Inflammation of the bronchial mucous membranes — An
expectorant honey is made by mixing 50 g of the powdered
drug with 80 g of honey.

Nervous exhaustion — A fortified wine is manufactured
using an 8-day maceration of 100 g of the leaves with one
liter of wine.

Tumors — The drug is worked into an ointment base or
pounded into a paste together with salt and vinegar to make
an adhesive paste.

Wounds — The drug is prepared as a cleanser or rinse to
heal wounds using a wine made by heating 100 g of the
leaves with 0.5 liter white wine for 1 minute.
Daily Dosage: The average daily internal dose is 4 to 6 g of
the drug; 0.1 to 0.3 g of the essentia] oil; 2.5 to 7.5 g of the
tincture; 1.5 to 3 g of the liquid extract.

Antihidrotic — 0.25 g of the powdered drug (spoonful or
capsules) taken before meals for excessive perspiration and
nervous complaints.

Cardiac insufficiency — 1 glass of the tonic infusion can be
taken 4 times daily. The decoction dosage (using No. 1 or
No. 2) is 1 glass at hourly intervals.

Diabetes — 1 glass of the wine preparation after meals.
'Halitosis — The leaves may be chewed occasionally.

Inflammation of the bronchial mucous membranes — 1
spoonful of the expectorant in the morning and at bedtime.

Nervous complaints — 0.25 g of the powdered drug
(spoonful or capsules) before meals.

Externally, the following dosages/applications are often
Antihidrotic infusion — 200 ml of infusion 1 to three times

Gargles and rinses — 2.5 g of the drug or 2 to 3 drops of
essential oil in 100 ml of water as infusion or 5 g of the
alcoholic extract in 1 glass of water.

Inflamed mucous membranes — Undiluted alcohol extract is
applied repeatedly.
Homeopathic Dosage: 5 drops, 1 tablet or 10 globules every
30 to 60 minutes (acute) or 1 to 3 times daily (chronic);
parenterally: 1 to 2 ml sc acute: 3 times daily; chronic: once
a day (HAB1), Special doses must be prepared for children.
Storage: Sage leaves are to be protected from light and
humidity in sealed containers. Storage duration of coarsely
cut drug is 18 months; powder, maximum 24 hours. The
tincture is stored in tightly sealed containers away from light.
The liquid extract may be kept for up to 2 years.
Brieskorn CH, Bichele W, (1971) Dtsch Apoth Ztg 111:141.
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