PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

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Seneca Snakeroot
Polygala senega
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried root.
Flower and Fruit: The raceme is 8 cm long and is smaller
than the bracts. The petals are pale red, the wings are
yellowish-white with green veins.
Leaves, Stem and Root: The plant is a perennial herb with up
to 40 cm high stems, which sprout in the axils of the scale-
like bracts of the previous year's growth. The leaves are 8
cm long and 3 cm wide, alternate, ovate-lanceolate to
lanceolate, acuminate and denticulate. The upper surface is
rich green; the under surface somewhat paler. The root varies
in color from pale yellowish-gray to brownish-gray. It is
usually twisted or almost spiral and has a thick, irregular,
gnarled crown.
Habitat: Polygala senega is indigenous to the central and
western U.S.

Production: Seneca Snakeroot consists of the dried root with
remains of aerial stems of Polygala senega and/or other
closely related species or a mixture of Polygala species.

Not to be Confused With: The roots of other Polygala
Other Names: Milkwort, Mountain Flax, Rattlesnake Root,
Seneca, Senega Snake Root, Senega, Seneka, Snake Root
Triterpene saponins (6-12%): chief components senegins II
to IV, chief aglycone presenegin
Oligosaccharide esters: senegosene A-I
Xanthone derivatives

Methyl salicylate (traces) and its glucoside
Triterpene saponins (6-12%): chief components onjisapo-
nine aglycone presenegenin
Oligosaccharide esters: tenuifolosen A-P
Polygalite (acerite, 1.5-anhydrosorbite) and its glycosides,
for example polygalite-2-alpha-galactoside

The rhizome is secretolytic and works as an expectorant.
Approved by Commission E:

  • Cough/bronchitis
    Unproven Uses: The drug is used for congestion of the
    respiratory tract, as an expectorant in cases of bronchitis with
    minor sputum output and tracheitis.
    General: No health hazards or side effects are known in
    conjunction with the proper administration of designated
    therapeutic dosages. With prolonged use, gastrointestinal
    irritation can occur.
    Pregnancy: Not to be used during pregnancy.
    Overdosage leads to nausea, diarrhea, gastric complaints and
    Mode of Administration: As a comminuted root for decoc-
    tions and other galenic preparations for internal use or as an
    extract. It is a component of various standardized antitussive
    Preparation: To make an infusion, place 0.5 gm comminut-
    ed drug in cold water, heat to a simmer and strain after 10
    minutes (1 teaspoonful = 2.5 gm drug).
    Daily Dosage: The daily dosage is 1.5 to 3.0 gm root or
    liquid extract (1:2) or 2.5 to 7.5 gm tincture (1:10). To use

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