PDR for Herbal Medicines

(Barré) #1

drug; lidocaine for ventricular extrasystole; for pronounced
bradycardia, atropine or orciprenaline. The prophylactic use
of a pacemaker is recommended. Hemoperfusion for elimi-
nating the glycosides or the administration of cholestyramine
for interrupting the enterohepatic circulation are possible.
Mode of Administration: Comminuted drug and other galenic
preparations for internal use.

Preparation: Stabilized powder is standardized according to
content, there are no more exact specifications in the
literature, standardization according to DABIO.

Squill Extract — Evaporated extract l :4; drug: diluted spirit
of wine (EB6)

Acetum Scillae — drug: spirit of wine l:l (EB6)

Oxymel Scillae — 5 parts Acetum Scillae: 10 parts purified
honey evaporated in a water bath to 10 parts

Daily Dosage: Single dose: 60 to 200 mg; Daily dose: 180 to
200 mg; Average daily dosage: 0.1 to 0.5 gm of standardized
sea onion powder.

Squill Extract: 1.0 gm; Liquid extract: 0.03 to 2.0 ml;
Tincture: 0.3 to 2.0 ml; Acetum Scillae: 1.0 gm; Acetic acid
maceration: 0.6 to 2.0 ml

Oxymel Scillae: 2.5 gm

Storage: Squill should be protected from light and moisture
at temperatures below 25 °C.
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Frohne D, Pfander HJ. Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur
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    Tuncok Y, Kozan O, Cavdar C, Guven H, Fowler J Estimation
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