Leung's Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Symptoms of overdose are typical of anticho-
linergic syndrome and are known to include
acute psychosis, coma, convulsions, difficulty
swallowing and walking and impaired articu-
lation of speech, dryness of mouth, intense
thirst, difficulty in swallowing, burning pain in
the throat, dilatation of the pupils with blurred
vision and photophobia, flushing with hot and
dry skin, high fever, fast heart rate with palpi-
tations and elevated blood pressure, urge to
urinate but inability to, constipation, restless-
ness, confusion, excitement, hallucinations,
and delirium. Death may result from respira-
tory failure. Above symptoms have been de-
scribed as “blind as a bat, dry as a bone, red as
a beet, hot as a hare, and mad as a hatter”
(GOSSELIN).^7 The berries have been mistaken
for bilberries with toxic results;8,9implicated
in the death of children consuming a couple of
berries, the chief toxic principle thought to be


Medicinal, Pharmaceutical, and Cosmetic.
Its extracts and isolated alkaloids are widely
used in both over-the-counter and prescrip-
tion drugs, including sedatives, antispasmo-

dics in bronchial asthma and whooping
cough, cold and hay fever remedies, oph-
thalmic preparations, laxatives (to lessen
griping), suppositories for hemorrhoids, li-
niments for treatment of muscular rheuma-
tism, sciatica, and neuralgia (often with
aconite extract); also in the treatment of
Parkinson’s disease and intestinal and bili-
ary colic.
Hyoscine is used in preparations to treat
motion sickness (MERCK).
Hyoscine-containing plants have been
used for centuries in traditional Chinese
medicine as anesthetics. Hyoscine fromFlos
daturae(flowers fromDaturaspecies) has
been used as a general anesthetic in China


Available as crude and as various extracts.
Belladonna and its fluid, solid, and powdered
extracts are official in U.S.P.

Regulatory Status. Leaves and roots, calcu-
lated to specified levels of tropane alkaloids,
are the subject of a German therapeutic mono-
graph, indicated for treatment of spasms and
colic pains in the gastrointestinal tract and bile
ducts (BLUMENTHAL1).



  1. T. Hartmann et al.,Planta Med., 52 , 390

  2. F. Oprach et al.,Planta Med., 52 , 513

  3. J. D. Phillipson and S. S. Handa,
    Phytochemistry, 14 , 999 (1975).

  4. G. Clair et al.,C.R. Hebd. Seances Acad.
    Sci. Ser. D., 282 , 53 (1976).

  5. S. A. Shvests et al.,Exp. Med. Biol., 404 ,
    475 (1996).
    6. D. Bousta et al.,J. Ethnopharmacol., 74 ,
    205 (2001).
    7. R. Jaspersen-Schib et al.,Schweiz. Med.
    Wochenschr., 126 , 1085 (1996).
    8. K. Jellema et al., Ned. Tijdschr.
    Geneeskd., 146 , 2173 (2002).
    9. H. J. Southgate et al.,J. R. Soc. Health,
    120 , 127 (2000).

  6. Anon., Am.J.Chin.Med., 3 ,91

Belladonna 89

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