Leung's Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

  1. R. A. Kopczyk et al.,J. Periodontol., 62 ,
    617 (1991).

  2. M. P. Cullinan et al.,Aust. Dent. J., 42 ,47

  3. A. M. Polson et al.,J. Periodontol., 68 ,
    119 (1997).

  4. A. M. Polson et al.,J. Clin. Periodontol.,
    23 , 782 (1996).

  5. D. S. Harper et al.,J. Clin. Periodontol.,
    16 , 352 (1990).

  6. E. Grossman et al.,J. Periodontol., 60 ,
    435 (1989).
    20. H. Etemadzadeh et al., J. Clin.
    Periodontol., 14 , 176 (1987).
    21. M. Das and S. K. Khanna,Crit. Rev.
    Toxicol., 27 , 273 (1997).
    22. G. Lord et al.,J. Clin. Dent., 1 , 110
    23. P. J. Becci,J. Toxicol. Environ. Health,
    20 , 199 (1987).
    24. L. R. Eversole et al.,Oral Surg. Oral Med.
    Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod., 89 , 455
    25. J. T. Phelan and J. Juardo,Surgery, 53 , 310


Source: Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.)
Michx. (Family Berberidaceae).

Common/vernacular names: Blue cohosh,
caulophyllum, papoose, squaw root.


Perennial herb with a thick, crooked, and
horizontal rhizome, up to 1 m high; grows in
eastern North America. Parts used are the
dried rhizome and roots.


The rhizomes and roots contain triterpene
saponins (e.g., caulophyllogenin 3-O-a-
L-arabinopyranoside, hederagenin 3-O-a-
L-arabinopyranoside);^1 alkaloids, including
N-methylcytisine (caulophylline), baptifo-
line, anagyrine, lupanine, a-isolupanine,
5,6-dehydro-a-lupanine, magnoflorine, spar-
teine, and taspine.2,3Other constituents pres-
ent include caulosaponin and resins.4–6
The rhizomes and roots of an eastern
Asian species ofCaulophyllum(C. robustum
Maxim.) have been extensively studied in

the former USSR and found to be rich in
triterpene glycosides (caulosides A, B, C,
D, and G), most of which have hederagenin
as their aglycone; they possess fungicidal


An alcoholic extract of the aerial parts after
treatment with petroleum ether showed anti-
inflammatory activity in rats.^11 A hot water
extract and the saponin-containing fraction of
the roots and rhizomes exhibited a uterine
stimulant effect in isolated rat uterine muscle
preparations.^6 An extract of blue cohosh pro-
duced tonic contraction of isolated uteri of
guinea pigs or rats.^12
Methylcytisine stimulates motility of the
small intestine, stimulates respiration, and
increases blood pressure (TYLER1).


In vitroteratogenic activity was found in
the rat embryo culture system from the alka-
loids taspine andN-methylcytisine.^3 Whereas
the latter is found in varying amounts in
dietary supplements containing blue cohosh

104 Blue cohosh
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