Leung's Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

(8–850 ppm),^13 very little taspine was found
in the dried rhizome (0.00013%).^3 Reduced
coronary flow was observed in rat heart pre-
parations infused withN-methylcytisine and a
vasoconstrictive effect was found in hog and
cattle carotid artery preparations exposed to
the compound.^14
Case reports of adverse effects attributed to
blue cohosh include contact dermatitis from
handling the root;^12 severe congestive heart
failure in a neonate after the mother ingested 3
times the recommended dose of blue cohosh
tablets for several weeks prior to parturition;^15
poisoning in children from ingestion of the


Medicinal, Pharmaceutical, and Cosmetic.
Used in diuretic, uterine, antispasmodic,
and emmenagogue as well as laxative

Dietary Supplements/Health Foods. Tea,
tincture, capsules, tablets, and other products

used primarily for menstrual difficulties
(amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea) (FOSTER).

Traditional Medicine. A decoction or syrup
of the root was used by American Indians as a
sedative to treat “hysterics” and “fits.” Often
in the form of a decoction, the root was also
used to treat rheumatism, fevers, stomach
cramps (alone or in conjunction with painful
menstruation), genitourinary problems in
men, profuse menstruation, to aid childbirth,
and in treatments of lung problems, including
hemorrhages (MOERMAN).


Available as crude and extracts; crude was
formerly official in N.F. (1916–1942); U.S.P
(1880–1890). Strengths (seeglossary)ofex-
tracts are expressed as weight-to-weight ratios
between crude and extract.

Regulatory Status. Class 2b (not to be used in



  1. J. W. Jhoo et al.,J. Agric. Food Chem., 49 ,
    5969 (2001).

  2. M. Ganzera et al., Phytochem. Anal.,
    14 , 1 (2003).

  3. E. J. Kennelly et al.,J. Nat. Prod., 62 ,
    1385 (1999).

  4. M. S. Flom et al.,J. Pharm. Sci., 56 , 1515

  5. M. S. Flom,Diss. Abstr. Int. B, 32 , 2312

  6. C. T. Che,Diss. Abstr. Int. B, 43 , 1049

  7. L. I. Strigina et al.,Khim. Prir. Soedin., 6 ,
    552 (1970).

  8. L. I. Strigina et al.,Phytochemistry, 14 ,
    1583 (1975).
    9. M. M. Anisimov,Antibiotiki (Moscow),
    17 , 834 (1972).

  9. L. I. Strigina et al.,Khim. Prir. Soedin., 5 ,
    619 (1976).

  10. P. S. Benoit et al., Lloydia, 39 , 160

  11. P. A. G. M. De Smet in P. A. G. M. De
    Smet, et al., eds., Adverse Effects of
    Herbal Drugs, Vol. 2, Springer-Verlag,
    Berlin, Germany, 1993, p. 153.

  12. J. Betz et al.,Phytochem. Anal., 9 , 232

  13. H. C. Ferguson and L. D. Edwards,J. Am.
    Pharm. Assoc., 43 , 16 (1954).

  14. T. K. Jones and B. M. Lawson,J. Pediatr.,
    132 , 550 (1998).

Blue cohosh 105

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