Leung's Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Thorny shrub to small tree, 3–9 m high, with
very fragrant flowers; believed to be native of
the Old World, now widespread and cultivated
in subtropical and tropical regions of the
world.^1 Parts used are the flowers from which
a concrete is first prepared by extraction with
petroleum ether; the absolute is then obtained
primarily in Cannes, France; also in India.


The absolute contains approximately 25% of
volatile constituents, which are composed
mainly of benzyl alcohol, methyl salicylate,
farnesol, and geraniol, with more than 40
other minor compounds, includinga-ionone,
droactinidiolide, ()-3-methyl-dec-3-en-1-ol,
()-3-methyl-dec-3-enoic acid, andtrans-3-
methyl-dec-4-enoic acid. The last three
compounds are responsible for much of the
characteristic fragrance of cassie oil.2–5
The nonfragrant material present accounts
for about 75% of the absolute and consists
mostly of high molecular weight lipids (e.g.,
hydrocarbons and waxes).^2


Medicinal, Pharmaceutical, and Cosmetic.
The absolute is used as a fragrance component
in some high-cost perfumes.

Food. The absolute is used as a flavor ingre-
dient (fruit flavors) in most major categories of
food products, including alcoholic and nonal-
coholic beverages, frozen dairy desserts, can-
dy, baked goods, and gelatins and puddings,
with average maximum use levels generally
below 0.002%.

Traditional Medicine. Flowers used topi-
cally to relieve headache; also used as anti-
spasmodic, aphrodisiac, antidiarrheal, febri-
fuge, antirheumatic, stimulant, and insecticide
in the form of an infusion; used in baths for
dry skins. In India, leaves are used to treat
inflammatory conditions^6 and gonorrhea; root
chewed for sore throat; dried gum ground to
powder for diarrhea.^7 Root has been used in
treating stomach cancer in Venezuela;^8 also
used in China to treat rheumatoid arthritis and
pulmonary tuberculosis.

Others. Bark and pods (23% tannin) used
for tanning; gum marketed with other acacia
gums; used in confectionery.


Absolute and oil.

Regulatory Status. Approved for food use as
a natural flavoring (§172.510).



  1. C. D. Adams, Flowering Plants of
    Jamaica, University of the West Indies,
    Mona, Jamaica, 1972, p. 336.

  2. E. Demole et al.,Helv. Chim. Acta, 52 ,24
    3. M. S. Karawaya et al.,Bull. Fac. Pharm.
    Cairo Univ., 13 , 183 (1974).
    4. A. El-Hamidi and I. Sidrak,Planta Med.,
    18 , 98 (1970).

Cassie absolute 153
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