Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Silius Italicus ?–

Roman orator and poet

Men leave arms and legs behind, severed by the
frost, and the cruel cold cuts off the limbs already

Milton M. Silverman –(and

P. R. Lee)

US pharmacologist

Patients themselves cannot escape the charge that
they, by their own attitudes and actions, have
contributed in a devastating fashion to the
incidence of needless drug use.
Pills, profits, and politics. In: Cured to Death, Arabella
Melville and Colin Johnson. Secker and Warburg Ltd,
London ()

Viscount Simon –

Lord Chancellor of England

Death, I suppose, may be a process rather than an
instantaneous event.
Medicolegal judgment()

James Young Simpson –

Professor of Midwifery, Edinburgh

From the time at which I first saw ether inhalation
successfully practised I have had the conviction
impressed upon my mind that we would ultimately
find that other therapeutic agents were capable of
being introduced with equal rapidity and success
into the system, through the same extensive and
powerful channel of pulmonary absorption.
On Chloroform. Rushton Clarke and Co, London ()

J. Marion Sims –

British anaesthetist

My hands are then henceforth, washed of
chloroform and devoted to ether.
Letter to his wife, November ()

Josef Skoda –

Bohemian-born professor of medicine in Vienna

Whilst a disease can be described and diagnosed,
we can dare not to suspect to cure it by any
manner of means.
Quoted in: Dictionary of Medical Eponyms(nd edn), p. ,
Firkin and Whitworth. The Parthenon, Lancashire, UK

Petr Skrabanek –

Czech-born epidemiologist

Health, like love, beauty or happiness, is a
metaphysical concept, which eludes all attempts
at objectivisation.
The Death of Humane Medicine()

Managers...as true parasites, they share the
profits, without producing anything themselves.
The Death of Humane Medicine()
The pursuit of health is a symptom of unhealth.
When this pursuit is no longer a personal
yearning but part of state ideology, healthismfor
short, it becomes a symptom of political sickness.
The Death of Humane Medicine()
Medicine is not about conquering diseases and
death, but about the alleviation of suffering,
minimising harm, smoothing the painful journey
of man to the grave.
The Death of Humane Medicine()

Slovakian proverb

Pure water is the world’s first and foremost

Adam Smith –

Scottish economist
Science is the great antidote to the poison of
enthusiasm and superstition.
The Wealth of NationsBk V, Ch. 

Alexander Smith –

Scottish poet
To have to die is a distinction of which no man is
DreamthorpCh. II ()

Anthony Smith –

Science writer and broadcaster
Man is just another bit of biology, and there much
of the animal kingdom is entirely relevant to his
body, to his mechanism of sperm transfer, to his
sex ratio, to his brain, to his sense of smell.
The Body, Introductionp. . Allen and Unwin, London ()
Italians used to find their mate at a distance, on
average, of 600 yards. With the invention of the
bicycle this distance leapt up—to 1600 yards.
Quoted in The Human PedigreeGeorge Allen and Unwin,
London ()

David James Smith ?–

British journalist
The murders fed Shipman’s fascinating, thrilling,
addictive need for proximity to death. Death that
he had controlled.
Sunday TimesJuly (), commenting on the case of
Dr Harold Shipman, mass murderer

Homer William Smith –

US renal physiologist
Though we name the things we know, we do not
necessarily know them because we name them.
Circulation of the BloodCh. 

Logan Pearsall Smith –

US writer
The denunciation of the young is a necessary part
of the hygiene of older people, and greatly assists
the circulation of their blood.
All Trivia‘Last Words’

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