Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
John Wilkes –

English politician

The chapter of accidents is the longest chapter in
the book.
Attributed in The Doctor(Southey) Vol. IV

Wendell L.Wilkie –

The real public health problem, of course, is
One WorldCh. 

George Wilkins th century

English dramatist

Drinke makes men hungry, or it makes them lie.
The Miseries of Inforsed Marriage ActII

Christopher Williams –

Gastroenterologist, St. Mark’s Hospital, London

Children are not little adults but paediatricians
Quoting a Belgium professor May ()

Guy Williams –

English historical writer

Death from the bubonic plague is rated, with
crucifixion, among the nastiest human
experiences of all.
The Age of Agonyp. , Guy Williams. Constable and Co.
Ltd, London ()

Leonard Williams –

Harley Street physician and author

The crime of our civilisation is gluttony.

John Wilson (Christopher North)


Scottish poet, essayist and critic.

Doctors are generally dull dogs.

John Rowan Wilson –

UK surgeon and novelist

I’ve always said that the most useful equipment
for a successful surgeon is a pessimistic
Hall of MirrorsPt III, Ch. 

Maxwell Wintrobe –

US professor of internal medicine and haematologist

The study of blood has a long history.

Humankind probably always has been interested
in the blood because it is likely that even primitive
peoples realized that loss of blood, if sufficiently
great, was associated with death.
Introduction to Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology. Williams
and Wilkins, Baltimore, USA ()

William Withering –

English physician and discoverer of digitalis
The foxglove’s leaves with caution given,
Another proof of favouring Heav’n
Will happily display;
The rapid pulse it can abate;
The hectic flush can moderate
And, blest by Him whose will is fate,
May give a lengthen’d day.
It is much easier to write upon a disease than
upon a remedy.
Poisons in small doses are the best medicines; and
useful medicines in too large doses are poisonous.

P. G.Wodehouse –

British-born US based humorist
There is only one cure for grey hair. It was invented
by a Frenchman. It is called the guillotine.
The Old Reliable

Humbert Wolfe –

English poet and critic
The doctors are a frightful race.
I can’t see how they have the face
to go on practising their base
profession; but in any case
I mean to put them in their place.
Cursory Rhymes‘Poems Against Doctors’ I

Paul Hamilton Wood –

British cardiologist, London
The best history taker is he who can best interpret
the answer to a leading question.
Diseases of the Heart and Circulation()

Virginia Woolf –

British writer

... strange indeed that illness has not taken its
place with love and battle and jealousy among the
prime themes of literature.
The Moment and Other Essays‘On being ill’
I am certain now that I am going mad again. It is
just as it was the first time, I am always hearing
Letter to her sister just before she killed herself in
March 

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