Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1


The b. of a doctor AR-RU:6


she opened up her b. GRAH:41


attenuate our b. BURT:17
Minds like b. will often fall DICKE:29
b. of those that made such a noise EDWA:32
B. devoid of mind are as statues EURI:34
teaching them to care for their b. well MAYO:67
be healed as well as sick b. MILLE:69
with the souls and b. of men NIGH:73
Weary b. refresh and mollify OVID:75


a sound b. before riches APOC:5
The b. is most fully developed ARIS:6
perceived anywhere in his b. BENT:11
The light of the b. is the eye BIBLE:12
the failure of the b. BRAIN:15
The b. is but a pair of pincers BUTL:18
b. may be healed, but not the mind CHIN:21
all the members in our b. CHRY:22
more numerous than those of the b. CICE:23
as in a disordered b. CICE:23
B. and mind, like man and wife COLT:24
all the b. is the worse ENGL:33
perfected all parts of the b. ERAS:33
ended in the punishment of the b. FISC:35
all tortured in soul and foul in b. FRAS:36
Sickly b., sickly mind GERM:39
the b. is affected through the mind HOLM:48
If the b. be feeble JEFF:54
uniformed mind with a healthy b. JEFF:54
most abhorrent is b. without mind. JEFF:54
indissoluble union with the b. JUNG:55
sound mind in a sound b. JUVE:55
mind is begotten along with the b. LUCR:62
The mind like a sick b. LUCR:62
B. and soul cannot be separated MILLE:69
mind has great influence over the b. MOLI:70
I am no better in mind than in b. OVID:75
the treatment of the human b. PLATO:79
The b. must be repaired PLINY:80
A man ought to handle his b. PLUT:80
Happiness is beneficial for the b. PROU:82
The human b. is like a bakery SCHIC:88

The b. is not a permanent dwelling SENE:89
b. is a product of the sound mind SHAW:91
Pain of mind is worse than pain of b. SYRUS:98
scarcely a part of the b. WHITE:106


B. lectured five hours a day MACP:64


The broken b., once set together LY LY: 6 3


a broken spirit drieth the b. HUBB:50


All that is written in b. RHAZ:84


to die as to be b. BACON:8
One is not b. a woman BEAUV:10
We all are b. mad BECK:10
b. with an indelible character. FRED:36
before he is fully b. FROM:37
b. with a deadly disease which is life. MOREA:71
We are b. crying, live complaining PROV:82
Take utmost care to get well b. SHAW:90
Everyone who is b. SONT:94
Every moment one is b. TENN:99
I was so ugly when I was b. YOUN:108


Anatomy – B. – Nonsense SYDE:98


a full b. in front of me NICH:73
the stimulus of the b. WATE:104


set or rise on a small b. obstruction ANON:4
sciences have ignored the large b. PHILL:79

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