Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1


the feet warm and the b. open BOER:14
For colic, get the b. open CHIN:21


Speak roughly to your little b. CARRO:19
When I was a b. I wanted to know HUNTE:51


Impressions arriving at the b. CABA:18
The b. is a wonderful organ FROST:37
The wasting of the b. HIPP:47
the candelabra of the b. MERE:69
the biggest b. of all the primates MORR:71
the b. as the seat of the psyche MOTT:72
The b. has muscles for thinking OFFR:74
The b. is the highest of the organs PLINY:80
As long as our b. is a mystery RAMON:83
a b. so beautifully integrated SEEG:89
surgeon knows all the parts of the b. SELZ:89
b. to be much more than a
telephone-exchange SHERR:91
your b. with its two lobes STILL:97
The b. secretes thought VOGT:103
We know the human b. VRIES:103
The convolutions of the b. WAGN:104

brain death

B. may very well be a distinct GILL:39


those who practise with their b. OSLER:74
polish our b. against that of others MONTA:70


make one b. push STEV:96


The heroic b. of the man AYER:7


By the time you earn your b. MCMU:64


worse to sprain an ankle than to b. it WATS:105


have but small and narrow b. LUTH:62


The first b. is the beginning of death PROV:82


B. is the greatest pleasure in life PAPI:75
b. cold air WELSH:105


continue b. like rabbits DUBOS:31
unplanned b. of ourselves. TOYN:100


above all be b. MAYO:68

bring up

to b. other people’s children RUSSI:86


B. Government have announced HAWTO:43
The B. have no unifying faith LAWS:59
B. medicine is extremely MACK:64
B. doctors have had privileged STAC:95

British Medical Association

The B. is a club of London physicians ANON:4


A b. is a tumour developing JOHN:54
could be cured of the b. JOHN:54

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