Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1


overwhelmed with inspections and d. MORR:71


the spectrum of d. problems STOL:97


To d. and to teach are distinct NEWM:73


vast importance of the d. of Pasteur ALLB:2
instinct have produced many d. BACON:8
ill prepared for making d. BERN:11
the majority of d. in biology BEVE:12
The greatest d. of surgery FISC:35
increasing the number of d. PAST:77
d. are met by captious criticism POWE:81
d. are not usually not made SIGE:92
Great d. which give a new direction SMITH:94


Medicinal d. AYRES:8
A d. is generally an unforeseen BERN:11
No d. can be of general utility BUCH:17
I have this day made a d. DAVY:28
fifty years from the d. of a principle FISC:35
research is the d. of the equations MACH:63
The success of a d. depends upon MITC:70
d. is rarely...a sudden achievement MOYN:72
toward the d. of the unknown PAST:77


there is not enough d. in their use GULL:41


you choose your d. ANON:3
It is not what d. the patient has ANON:4
an immense hotbed of d. ANON:5
Let out the blood, let out the d. ANON:4
Cure the d. and kill the patient BACON:8
The remedy is worse than the d. BACON:8
The origin and the causes of d. BAGL:8
There is no cure for this d. BELLO:10

To the cure of this d. BOCC:14
Acute d. must be seen at least once BRIG:15
infallibly the symptom of d. CARL:19
From the bitterness of d. man learns CATA:19
D. is very old CHARC:20
remedies are suggested for a d. CHEK:21
When you treat a d. CHEN:21
Before thirty, men seek d. CHIN:21
The appearance of a d. is swift CHIN:21
doctor treats the head of a d. CHIN:22
When a d. relapses there is no cure CHIN:22
man’s d. is his personal property CLARK:23
know the intractability of a d. CLARK:23
The d. took at least half a million...lives COLLI:24
explain our d., but cannot cure it COLT:24
d. brought on by boredom CONN:25
pyrexia as a part of the primary d. CULL:26
d. may be distributed far beyond DE MO:29
d. can pass from one individual DUBOS:31
a pattern of d. peculiar to it DUBOS:31
infection without d. is the rule DUBOS:31
exchanging one d. for another EDDY:32
D. is an experience EDDY:32
the cause and prevent of d. EDIS:32
prevention of d. is for the most part EMER:33
deadly d. neither physician nor physic ENGL:33
the d. is cured by nature FORB:36
more to be feared than the d. FRENC:37
The d. of an evil conscience GLAD:40
I have learned much from d. GOET:40
the daily observation of d. GRAV:41
necessity for the removal of d. HAES:42
A bodily d., may after all, be HAWTH:43
ever had his d. themselves HEROD:45
when immoderate, constitute d. HIPP:46
in combating the d. HIPP:47
Natural forces are the healers of d. HIPP:47
d. not suited to surgical treatment HOERR:48
a relapse of the old d. HUANG:50
The physician must generalise the d. HUFE:50
A long d. does not tell a lie IRISH:52
suffering from the particular d. JERO:54
When mean a dangerous d. did scape JONS:55
Psychoanalysis is the d. KRAUS:57
name of the drug to the name of a d. LAUR:58
still uncertain of the nature of the d. LATH:58
Perfect health... is perfect d. LATH:58
leaves his d. to take care of itself LATH:58
amount of irremediable d. in the world LATH:58
some remedies worse than the d. LATIN:58
a conception of health and d. LIN:60
All interest in d. and death MANN:65
D. has nothing refined about it MANN:65
the observer must study d. MART:66
fall by little and little into organic d. MAUD:66
d. can scarcely keep pace MAYOW:68
born with a deadly d. which is life MOREA:71
unless organic d. can be excluded MORR:71

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