let him get very i. first AFRI:2
better be too smart to get i. AFRI:2
The i. he cannot cure a name ARNO:6
look after him when he is i. BISM:14
i. as one of the greatest pleasures BUTL:18
inferior doctor treats those who are i. CH’IN:20
he usually discovers that he is i. GOET:40
a man suffers from an i. HIPP:47
One who is i. has not only the right MAIM:64
pleasures in life is to be slightly i. NICH:73
An i. man is worst PROV:82
sage does not treat those who are i. SU:97
They live i. who expect to live SYRUS:98
i. among labourers and their families MCCR:63
real causes of i. were to be found PLATT:80
In the midst of your i. AFRI:2
in every case of i.; well tried remedies ASCL:6
fatal outcome of an incurable i. BOER:14
In i. the physician is a father BRAH:15
A long i. seems to be BRUY:16
learn more about the i. HERR:46
The map of mental i. LE FA:34
The most important thing in i. LENIN:59
irrespective of the nature of the i. LONG:61
i. may become seriously aggravated MEANS:68
stretch between i. and recovery MOYN:72
Every i. has its natural course PINEL:79
i. which it cannot counterfeit PROU:82
I. is the doctor to whom we pay PROU:82
part which makes the i. worth while SHAW:90
I.... is not a good literary subject SIGE:92
little i. is the beginning of the end. SMITH:94
I. may precipitate a spiritual crisis SOUT:94
have to find time for i. STAN:95
to drive away the i. SYLV:98
Old age is an i. in itself TERE:99
I. isn’t the only thing VARRO:102
and there cause serious i.s TURG:101
i. has not taken its place WOOLF:107
i. are already on the sperm BARA:9
Of i. that no one’s got HERB:45
it is the principle cause of all i. MAIM:64
not of their i. MOLI:70
and give rise to grave i. VARRO:102
For major i., major remedies CELS:20
the vicious circle of i. ALLB:2
The i. of fulfilment MUGG:72
Put off your i. BERN:11
the products of a disordered i. BROU:16
a new audacity of i. DEWEY:29
more stimulating to the i. HALD:42
work of no difficulty to a lively i. PERC:78
never come to the end of our i. WERT:105
children are the most i. MACAU:63
to let them starve for their i. HOLM:49
too i. for the pulpit. GILM:40
do not strive for i. life PIND:79
state of alarm about the i. BOTS:15
desire for i. which causes the fear WEIN:105