Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1


M. would be the ideal profession ADAMS:1
he may see the benefit of your m. AFRI:2
faithful friend is the m. of life ANON:3
the qualities of a good teacher of m. ANON:4
M., like every useful science, should ANON:4
every m. is an innovation BACON:8
fulcra of m. are reason BAGL:8
In the practice of m. more mistakes BELL:10
M. is destined to get away BERN:11
discoveries in biology and m. BEVE:12
M. is like a woman who changes BIER:13
m. is the art of understanding diseases BIGE:13
M. is the only profession BRYCE:17
m., on account of its eminent utility BUCKL:17
m. has almost no constant rule CELS:20
Philosophy, like m., has plenty CHAM:20
m. is like the celebrated tower of Pisa CHARL:21
M. is my lawful wife CHEK:21
He that takes m. and neglects to diet CHIN:21
M. cures the man CHIN:21
Fasting is a m. CHRY:22
Grief is itself a m. COWP:26
practice of m. depends on CUSH:27
M. cannot be practised DAAR:27
M. discusses diseases DE GO:40
changing in the state of m. DICKS:29
As long as m. is an art DIETL:29
one experiment in m. to convince DOCH:30
In m. even more than in other fields DUBOS:31
Patience is the best m. FLOR:36
The history of m. GARR:38
where his m. fails GARTH:38
M. absorbs the physician’s whole GOET:40
one m. can cure various kinds GOGA:40
a distinct art to talk m. GOOD:40
M. is my hobby GRACE:41
M. is as old as the human race HAES:42
The art of m. is intricate HAMI:42
the art of m. still falls HECHT:44
M. with them is distributed HEROD:45
I like to think of m. in our day HERT:46
m. has skidded off the path HILL:46
the means at the disposal of m. HIPP:47
m., professedly found HOLM:48
No families take so little m. HOLM:48
but m. goes on forever HORD:49
dangerous – in m. to be too clever HUTC:51
indirectly with the pursuits of m. IBÁÑ:52
Domestic m. is preferable INDI:52
Hospitality and m. must be confined INDI:52
Bed is a m. ITAL:53
Better go without m. JAPA:53
Good m. always has a bitter taste JAPA:53
The only sure foundations of m. are JEFF:54
m. to be as inoffensive JEFF:54
appeared in the annals of m. JENN:54

M. has been caught up KEEN:56
the practice of m. LATH:58
Common sense is in m. the master LATH:58
M. is a strange mixture LATH:58
constitutes the fall of modern m. LE FA:34
M. is not a lucrative profession LETT:60
as m. loses its professional hegemony LILF:60
any distinction between food and m. LIN:60
healed and changed by m. LUCR:62
M. makes sick patients LUTH:62
Boys, don’t study m. MCMU:64
M. is a science in the making MAGE:64
M. heals doubts as well as diseases MARX:66
m. has united the aims and aspirations MARX:66
perfect knowledge of all parts of m. MAUD:66
The aim of m. is to prevent disease MAYO:68
While m. is a science MAYO:67
m. deals with the tomorrows MAYO:68
The glory of m. MAYO:68
M. is a profession for social service MAYO:67
M. is not a perfect science MILB:69
The true rate of advance in m. is MITC:70
m. is practised not on mankind MOND:70
M. indeed never cures a disease MOND:70
well prepared for the study of M. MONT:71
M. is a collection NAPO:72
M. is the only world wide profession OSLER:74
A desire to take m. OSLER:74
educate the masses not to take m. OSLER:74
M. sometimes snatches away health OVID:75
M. is not only a science PARA:76
m. to follow the will of nature PARA:76
This basis of m. is sympathy PAYNE:77
M. is not yet liberated PICKE:79
M. is an art PLATO:79
M., to produce health PLUT:80
international language of m. POPP:81
the more m. it craves PORT:81
M. for the dead is too late QUIN:83
such is the basis of future m. RANV:83
out of m. the fullest enjoyment RIES:84
The axiom of m. ROKI:85
M. is a noble profession ROLL:85
false declamations made against m. ROUSS:85
bad for the soul of m. RYLE:86
give to their patients the least m. SAUN:87
The language of the men of m. SAUN:87
practice of m. is like heart muscle SCHIC:88
those pillars from which m. started SCHÖ:88
frequent changes of m. SENE:89
It is m. not scenery SENE:89
miserable have no other m. SHAK:90
the most noble branch of m. SIEF:92
the world’s first and foremost m. SLOV:93
Sleep is the only m. SOPH:94
Modern m. is one of those STARR:96
But m. is also,..., a world of power STARR:96
M. can never abdicate STRA:97

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