Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1

fundamentally only induced o. BERN:11
Solitary, meditative o. is the first BILLR:13
to be taught o. by a physician GILLI:39
equipped with the gift of keen o. MAIM:64
an unremitting gift of o. MAUR:67
In the field of o. PAST:77


they also make very poor o. BERN:11
Clinical o., classifications, and theories SHIM:91


above all one must o. BERN:11
the Art is to be able to o. HIPP:47
O. methodically and vigorously MARF:65


The o. listens to Nature CUVI:27
only competent o. is yourself HOWA:49
the o. must study disease MART:66


o. is there to look MORG:71


set or rise on a small bowel o. ANON:4


what o. does he follow RAMA:83
The cure for it is o. SHAW:91


also among all other o. STAC:95
There are worse o. in the world STER:96


waiting to execute degenerate o. HOLM:49


To know how to grow o. AMIEL:2
take care of him when he is o. BISM:14
Become o. early if you wish to stay o. CATO:20
grow o. more through indolence CHRI:22
so o. as to think he cannot live CICE:22
I grow o....I grow o. ELIOT:32

would be young when they are o. ENGL:33
O. persons are sometimes FANU:34
best when they are o. FULL:37
No skill or art is needed to grow o. GOET:40
when you cease to grow, you are o. HERR:45
O. people, on the whole, have fewer HIPP:46
the misery of an o. man HUGO:50
grow o. beautifully MAUG:66
Growing o. is a bad habit MAUR:67
sluggish as it grows o. MONTA:70
Growing o. is POWE:81
live long but none would be o. PROV:82
It is idle to dispute with o. men RAMÓN:83
Few people know how to be o. ROCH:84
Before I became o. I tried to live SENE:89
so few who can grow o. STEE:96
A man is as o. as his arteries SYDE:98

old age

The principal objection to o. ANON:5
premature o., momentary death BASIL:9
strength even in o. CICE:22
o. is usually not only not poorer CICE:22
to resist o. CICE:22
manhood a struggle; o. a regret DISR:30
All diseases run into one, o. EMER:33
If youth but know,
And o. only ESTI:34
the discomforts of o. HEBE:44
Adultery brings on early o. HEBR:44
if his mind grows turgid in o. JOHNS:55
The sins of youth are paid for in o. LATIN:58
merely to extend life in o. LONG:61
What makes o. hard to bear MAUG:67
O. puts more wrinkles in our minds MONTA:70
O., though despised, is coveted by all PROV:82
O. is a disease SENE:89
One evil in o. is SMITH:94
That sign of o. SMITH:94
greatest problem about o. is the fear TAYL:99
O. is an illness in itself TERE:99
your o. will not lack sustenance VINCI:102
a doctor who does not die of o. VOLT:103

old people

the burden of supporting o. METC:69


one is to grow o., the other not ANON:3
as men grow o. CICE:22
no longer ask its o. people to live KENN:56
As I grow o., I have less and less LONG:61
part of the hygiene of o. people SMITH:93
The o. a doctor is WILDE:106

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