Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Diphilus th century BC

Athenian writer

Time is a physician that heals every grief.

Benjamin Disraeli, Lord

Beaconsfield –

British Prime minister and novelist

Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle; old age a
ConingsbyBk III, Ch. 

What Art was to the ancient world,
Science is to the modern.
ConingsbyBk IV, Ch. 

Time is the great physician.
Henrietta TempleBk VI, Ch. 

The question is this: Is man an ape or an angel?
I, my lord, am on the side of the angels.
Speech, November ()

The health of a people is really the foundation
upon which all their happiness and all their power
as a State depend.
Speech, June ()

There is no index of character so sure as the voice.
TancredBk II, Ch. 

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and

I had rather live, but I am not afraid to die.
Disraeli’s last words, quoted by Moneypenny in his Life of
DisraeliBk IV, Ch. XVI

J. Frank Dobie –

US educator, writer, and folklorist

Putting on the spectacles of science in expectation
offinding the answer to everything looked at
signifies inner blindness.
The Voice of the CoyoteIntroduction

Alphonse Raymond Dochez


US microbiologist, Columbia University

It is difficult, often impossible, to estimate the
ultimate value of a new scientific fact.
P & S Quarterly: , June ()

You do one experiment in medicine to convince
yourself, then ninety nine more to convince others.
P & S Quarterly: ,June ()

William Dock –?

US physician

The physician must look beyond the picture, now
widely cherished, of the lonely, great-hearted
doctor, bowed impotent beside the dying child.
The Next Half Century in Medicine

Ian Dodds-Smith

The provision of information is a corollary of the
patient’s right to self-determination which is a
right recognised by law.
Clinical Pharmacology, D.R. Lawrence, P.N. Bennett, and
M.J. Brown. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh ()

John Donne –

English poet

That learning, thine ambassador
From thine allegiance we never tempt,
That beauty, paradise’s flower
For physic made, from poison be exempt.
A Litany: The Doctors

Solitude is a torment which is not threatened in
hell itselfe.

Colin Douglas ?–

Scottish doctor and writer

Heal the sick and comfort the dying, but do not
get them mixed up!
British Medical Journal(), quoting an old consultant

John Langdon Down –

British psychiatrist and physician

The face is flat and broad, and destitute of
prominence. The cheeks are rounded and
extended laterally. The eyes are obliquely placed,
and the internal canthi more than normally
distant from one another.
Observations on an ethnic classification of idiots. London
Hospital Reports: –()

The Mongolian type of idiocy occurs in more than
% of the cases which are presented to me. They
are always congenitally based and never result
from accidents in uterine life.
Observations on an ethnic classification of idiots. London
Hospital Reports: –()

Len Doyal

Contemporary British professor of medical ethics

It is time we stopped avoiding real debate on the
possible legalisation of active euthanasia by
pretending that the double effect argument will
somehow resolve it for us. It will not.
British Medical Journal: ()

Daniel Drake –

US physician, Kentucky
The first acts of a graduate are apt to be his
precedents through coming years, for there is no
era in his life in which his self-complacency is so
exalted as the time which passes between
receiving his diploma with its blue ribbon, and
receiving crape and gloves, to wear at the funeral
of his first patient.
Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery: ()

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