Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
Erik Erikson


The adolescent mind is essentially a mind of the
moratorium, a psychosocial stage between
childhood and adulthood, and between the
morality learned by the child and the ethics
developed by the adult.
Childhood Society. W. W. Norton, New York ()

Henri Estienne –

French scholar

If youth but know,
And old age only could.
Les Prémices(transl. Norbert Guterman)

Euripides –BC

Greek playwright

Death is a debt we all must pay.

In the hour of sorrow or sickness, a wife is a
man’s greatest blessing.
Antigone, Fragment

Bodies devoid of mind are as statues in the market

For they which share one father’s blood shall oft
By many a bodily likeness kinship show.

A weary thing is sickness and its pains!

It is better to be sick than to be a nurse. Sickness
poses only one problem for the patient, but for the
nurse it involves both mental agony and hard
physical work.

What they say of us (women) is that we have a
peaceful time. Living at home, while they do the
fighting in war. How wrong they are! I would very
much rather stand three times in the front of
battle than bear one child.

Sir Grimley Evans –

Professor of Clinical Gerontology, Oxford, England

The aging of an organism is a progressive loss of
adaptability as time passes.
Introduction to the Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine
Oxford University Press Oxford () (nd edn).

Margaret Jane Evans –

Paediatric pathologist

But pathologists are not butchers. It’s an
investigation of the dead for the living.
Hospital DoctorAugust (), in response to the reaction
to the Alder Hey affair

William M. Evarts –

US lawyer and statesman
It was a brilliant affair; water flowed like
Describing a dinner given by US President Rutherford
B. Hayes (–), an advocate of temperance

Noah D. Fabricant –?

Most medical fads are like some women’s
fashions—frail, fickle and costly.
Amusing Quotations for Doctors and Patients‘Fads’

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu –

Irish novelist
Old persons are sometimes as unwilling to die as
tired-out children are to say good night and go
to bed.

Nathaniel Faxon –

US physician, Massachusetts General Hospital
The purpose of a teaching hospital is to, advance
knowledge, to train doctors, and to set an example
of practice.
Quoted by F. M. R. Walshe in Teachers of Medicine

Jean Fernel –

Paris trained physician to Catherine de Medici
The physician today seems athirst for blood.
Blood-letting, like wine-drinking, is right enough
in moderation, but in excess it leads to disaster.
Treatise, (quoted in The Endeavour of Jean Fernel, Pt )
Anatomy is for physiology what geography is for
the historian: it describes the scene of action.
A Universal Medicine

Magister Ferrarius th century

Salernian physician
Infants do not cry without some legitimate cause.
The Advancement of Child Health(A. V. Neale)

Baron Ernst von Feuchtersleben


Half informed physicians are generally sceptics.
Dietetics of the SoulXXII, Entry (transl. G. Pollak)

Henry Fielding –

English novelist
It hath been often said, that it is not death, by
dying, which is terrible.
AmeliaBk III, Ch. 
It is with jealousy as with the gout. When such
distempers are in the blood, there is never any
security against their breaking out; and that often
on the slightest occasions, and when least
Tom JonesBk ii, Ch. 
He that dies before sixty, of a cold or consumption,
dies, in reality, by a violent death.
On the Death of Mr. Robert Levet, a Practiser in Physic

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