Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
W. C. Fields –

US actor and humourist

After two days in hospital I took a turn for the

Lactantius Firmianus c.AD

African-born Christian apologist

Everyone should bear in mind that the union of
the two sexes is given to living beings for
procreation, and that these passions are subject to
the law that they must beget offspring.
Divine InstitutionsVI. xxiii

Martin H. Fischer –

US physician and writer

Here’s good advice for practice: go into
partnership with nature; she does more than half
the work and asks none of the fee.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

The greatest discoveries of surgery are
anaesthesia, asepsis, and roentgenology – and
none was made by a surgeon.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

The heart is the only organ that takes no rest.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

Facts are not science, as the dictionary is not
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

A doctor must work eighteen hours a day and
seven days a week. If you cannot console yourself
to this, get out of the profession.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

When a man lacks mental balance in
pneumonia he is said to be delirious.
When he lacks mental balance without the
pneumonia, he is pronounced insane by all
smart doctors.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

In the sick room, ten cents worth of human
understanding equals ten dollars’ worth of
medical science.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

An insane man is a sick man. Please don’t forget
that, gentlemen.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

A man who cannot work without his
hypodermic needle is a poor doctor. The
amount of narcotic you use is inversely
proportional to your skill.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

Diagnosis is not the end, but the beginning of
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

Diets were invented of the church, the workhouse
and the hospital. They were started for the
punishment of the spirit and have ended in the
punishment of the body.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()
The first rule to proper diet? Ask them what they
want and then give it to them. There are few
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()
Whenever ideas fail, men invent words.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()
Let your entrance into the sick room decrease, not
increase, the irritability of your patient.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()
It takes fifty years from the discovery of a principle
in medicine to its adoption in practice.
FischerismsHoward Fabing and Ray Marr ()

Geoffrey Fisher –

Archbishop of Canterbury
Consultant specialists are a degree more remote
(like bishops!); and therefore (again like bishops)
they need a double dose of Grace to keep them
sensitive to the personal and the pastoral.
Lancet: ()

John Fiske –

US historian, Harvard
All human science is but the increment of the
power of the eye, and all human art is the
increment of the power of the hand.
The Destiny of ManCh. VII

Reginald Heber Fitz –

US surgeon
One cannot ignore the enormous importance of
early detection of an appendix which may burst.
In most cases the diagnosis is easy.
Lecture to Boston Medical Society, June ()

F. Scott Fitzgerald –

US writer
It appears that every man’s insomnia is as
different from his neighbour’s as are their daytime
hopes and aspirations.
The Crack-up‘Sleeping and Walking’

Sir Alexander Fleming –

British microbiologist
A good gulp of hot whisky at bedtime – it’s not
very scientific, but it helps.
News SummaryMarch () (quoted when asked about
the common cold)

Flemish proverb

Where there is sunshine no doctors are wanted.

 .. · 

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