Oxford Dictionary of Medical Quotations

(WallPaper) #1
French proverbs

A surgeon should be young, a physician old.
Also an Italian proverb

A young physician fattens the churchyard.
C. Holyband’s (Desainliens) The Frenche Littleton()

Every month, one should get drunk at least once.

He who complains is not hurt.

He who fears to suffer, suffers from fear.

He who is master of his thirst is master of his

If you would live ever, you must wash milk from
your liver.

L’amour de la médicine fait le savant;
L’amour du malade fait le médicin.
(Love of medicine makes the scholar;
Love of illness makes the doctor)

Short men eat more than tall men.

The doctor is often more to be feared than the

They that are thirsty drink silently.

Philip Freneau –

US poet

Tobacco surely was designed
To poison and destroy mankind.
Poems, ‘Tobacco’

Sigmund Freud –

Austrian psychoanalyst

The conscious mind may be compared to a
fountain playing in the sun and falling back into
the great subterranean pool of subconscious from
which it rises.
Bartlett’s Unfamiliar QuotationsLeonard Louis Levinson

The true believer is in a high degree protected
against the danger of certain neurotic afflictions;
by accepting the universal neurosis he is spared
the task of forming a personal neurosis.
The Future of an IllusionCh. 

Now and then occasions arise in which the
physician is bound to take up the position of
teacher and mentor, but it must be done with
great caution, and the patient should be educated
to liberate and to fulfill his own nature and not to
resemble ourselves.

The poets and philosophers before me have
discovered the unconscious; I have discovered the
scientific method with which the unconscious can
be studied.

Sir Alfred Fripp –

British surgeon, Guy’s Hospital, London

If we cannot be clever, we can always be kind.
Emergencies in Medical Practice

Always keep a dying patient’s relatives busy.
Reginald Pound in Harley Streetp. . Michael Joseph,
London ()

Erich Fromm –

US psychologist and philosopher
Man always dies before he is fully born.
Man for himselfCh. 
The minute study of the process of rationalization
is perhaps the most significant contribution of
psychoanalysis to human progress.
Psychoanalysis and ReligionCh. 
The mother–child relationship is paradoxical and,
in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love
on the mother’s side, yet this very love must help
the child grow away from the mother and to
become fully independent.

Robert Frost –

US lyric poet
The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working
the moment you get up in the morning, and does
not stop until you get into the office.

James Anthony Froude –

Professor of History, Oxford, England
Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only
one to whom the torture and death of his fellow-
creatures is amusing in itself.
OceanaCh. ()

Thomas Fuller –

English writer and physician
Commonly physicians, like beer, are best when
they are old, and lawyers, like bread, when they
are young and new.
The Holy State and the Profane StateCh. XVI (–)
The tongue is ever turning to the aching tooth.
GnomologiaNo. 

J. H. Gaddum –

British professor of physiology
Patients may recover in spite of drugs or because
of them.
Pharmacologyby D. R. Laurence, Churchill Livingstone,
Edinburgh (), Frontispiece

Gaelic proverb

Every healthy man is king.

J. K. Galbraith –

Canadian-born US economist
Much of the world’s work is done by men who do
not feel quite well. Marx is a case in point.
The Age of Uncertainty

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